Rene HERSE Cycles tech info.

What time do the Americans wake up ...? 😂

Soon I think. Hope it was lovely pancakes for breakfast. I've just had two beers, some dried sausage and some lovely olives.

Now I can't be arsed to wrestle with Ebay to sell my old shit off to fund some modern RH gear.
800 dollares or more. I think I would prefer to spend that money on an original RH in good condition.

They can be had free from the tip. A UK tip - sadly for us not a Dutch tip, nor a French tip, but we can live in hope.


Perhaps the USA has the more modern ones at the tip already? Dunno.

You know how fashion and things can change quickly over there, unlike luddite landia here.
RH (modern) are just a contemporary money grab, I've seen the bikes and the videos and tbh they really don't add up. Like I said upthread, compared to a pukka vintage Herse it's no comparison. As for the tyres, what a load of old cobblers. 'I gained 1.5mph using these amazing tires', pull the other one, it's got tubulars on 🤑