Removing Mag21 stanchions

No threadlock on the bolts. Torque specified is quite enough to keep it together. Regular and Ti bolts torque to same value. Be careful, it isn't hard to round the allens if they're shallow.

All swapped, thanks guys.

Another question though - what is best to lubricate the stanchions (above the seals?)

The Mag21 has no dust cap above the circlip, but it has a rubber boot (the merit of which I'm sure can be argued for years).

The Roubaix SL didn't have the boot, but instead has a rubber seal, but the seal doesn't want to stay in the lower leg - instead it wants to grip the stanchion and ride up it. I don't see any locking mechanism on it, just the interference fit inside the lower leg.

Would some lubrication maybe help? Is it best to use internal oil wiped on the exposed stanchion? Normally I'd go for grease but it doesn't seem like a good idea as dust would stick to it more.

I appreciate it isn't strictly a Mag21 issue but they are very close cousins :)
With the dust wiper, it's possible that the rubber has shrunken a touch and it doesn't fit as well as it should. A few ways to address that:

1: First, be sure the recess it presses into is very clean, oil free. Press it in. Then, use a hypo or similar to put a bit of shock oil under the wiper, slipping the needle between wiper and stanchion.

2: If that doesn't work, try a few wraps of plumber's tape around the wiper first to tighten the fit. Then oil as above.

3: My preferred way. Loose the dust wiper. Get some Lizard Skins boots, and install. Put a good dab of non-lithium grease in the recess where the wiper was. The boot will protect it from dirt, the grease will all-but erase stiction. I use Park green grease for this. I do this on ALL my booted forks.


They dumped the dust seal for boots in 1994, worked just as well, there was an oil seal anyway and it reduced stiction.
What can get under boots can get under seals and boot protect the stanchions from scratches etc.

But put a load of fork grease under the lip before putting on then push down, normally a bit of waste water piping is needs to bash the dust seal into place.
Ah right. I have some piping on order to make a crown race setting tool, so hopefully that will do the trick!