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Dirt Disciple
i have removed this add as it has turned into a discussion and all i wanted to do was sell the bike
Hey, dunno why no-one's biting this one yet :?

I don't normally try to encourage splitting full bikes, but if you were to consider it I would be ecstatic :D if I got my hands on the frame; I had one for many years at school and stupidly sold it through an lbs for singlespeed conversion for a paltry sum. Now thoroughly regretting it. :roll:

I would buy the whole lot and sell on the parts, but haven't got the cash or the time. Good luck with the sale, if you don't get any joy selling whole bike, give us a shout!! Just out of interest where are you based?

Well..... I'm interested in the fork.... So if you are willing to split, the frame and fork are gone! :p

Let us know!

That is a size 19 not an 18, but more importantly the characteristic fluting on the down tube that would identify it as a 94 Explosif is not visible in your photos. What colour was it before you repainted it?
Craig Nicholson":3gas7935 said:
Anthony, PICT1492.JPG shows the tapered tube quite clearly.

I'm inclined to agree with Anthony - the pic shows the tapering (narrowing) of the seat-tube but not really the 'fluting' (longitudinal butting) along the down-tube...

Maybe a better pic would show it.
I don't mean to cast aspersions on the seller, but to me it is simply natural with a repainted frame to first establish what it is.

The dropouts and the cable routing establish that it is a 94-96 Kona. It clearly isn't a 95 or 96 Explosif and a 94 Explosif has fluting on the down tube, which I would expect to be able to see in the picture of the Kona decal but I can't.

It looks to me as though the top tube is the same size as the seat tube and slimmer than the down tube, but it doesn't look as though it is tapered and ovalised. The only frame that fits with all that is a 96 Kilauea (a very good frame incidentally).

But I have to admit that I once saw a 94 Explosif from an impeccable source, with original green paint and original decals and no fluting. Even though it did have an Ultrastrong sticker. I can't explain that, but I guess it's possible that this could be another similar.
1994 kona Explosif

i do have some other pics off the bike before it was powder coated , i tried to post them along with the new pics on the site but it wouldt let me,

the frame had the tange sticker on but as every one knows there not easy to get hold off,
the frame decals were bought on this site from gill_m

pm with your email if you want more pics
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