Recumbent bicycles - Suicide Jockeys or hip & cool...?

TheGreenRabbit":yc89dwvv said:
i think there cool, we need a MTB one

A mate and I have gathered possibly enough old bits to have a stab at welding up an MTB recumbant.. something for shed tinkering during the winter :D
TheGreenRabbit":39ux97sb said:
i think there cool, we need a MTB one

:LOL: :LOL: :LOL: Imagine one of those at Rowney Warren :shock: :shock:

If the berms didn't buck you off then the 4 feet high stinging nettles would wreck your face :LOL:
Always wanted a Windcheeta, they are the coolest of the cool. But they are soooo low that when you do get run over and killed you can just take the wheels off and they double as a coffin!
Never seen one in action, but they do look tremendously cool. That said, riding an ordinary bike in traffic is dangerous enough with the idiots that drive these days! :evil: These dudes are deffo playing 'Recumbent Roulette' - almost as deadly as a revolver!

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