Recommend me some levers for Canti's.

Seca Blue

Retro Guru
Hey ho,

As part of my now slowing tarting up of the old girl, it's time to get some new brake levers.
I'm using Dia Comp Advantage 5's atm which are fine, if a little wobbly (and they're black, whereas I need silver).

Was looking at some SS-5's for sale at the mo, but just wondering if I should consider anything else. Don't like the look of the Campag levers, and XT's seem a little to obvious. This is to use with 987's by the way.
I'm not into the look of the cnc stuff Kooka/Paul etc, but am looking for something nice, and something lightweight.

XC pro maybe? Or Chicken Stix? Are they any good?
Ritchey WCS?


X-lite Chicken Stix look OK but I never really rated them for actual performance.

I'd look at Dia Compe SS5 or SS7...
Yes, SS5 levers, or Ritchey ones arent too bad either but arent they just Diacompe levers anyway? cant remember. X Lite arent anything special especially for the price they go for these days.
Cheers all.

I just went with some SS5 MKII's that were in the for sale section.

Now, what's next on the list...