Real or fake Shimano chain?

Seller seems to be surprised it's a fake but offering a refund if returned. Use it or send it back?
Oh, and yes it's harder to make a 12/13 speed chain than a 7/8/9 speed one.\
Mainly because the tolerances are better, and anything made with finer tolerances costs more.
Keep it, buy a new bike swap chains over and when it snaps complain to where u bought bike from 😄
why would we cover him in delightful colongue? surely we should be using muck off dry lube or similar?

in case anybody doesn't know, the fragrance top 5 goes:
1, WD40
2, 3 in 1
3. finish line dry wax lube
4, lithium grease
5, that green shit that shimano use on the inside of derailleurs.
No gt85, 🤫 or does that fall under the wd40 group of fragrances
No gt85, 🤫 or does that fall under the wd40 group of fragrances
GT85 leaves the skin too slippery feeling, and I've found that I get looks, as if I was wearing a Chinese knock off old spice.

So I stick to WD40