Real Crankcase Bottom Bracket Fitting

Just fitted one of these using the above instructions. Fairly easy, but I have three tips:
1) the silver and black cups were the other way round with my unit (silver = drive side). Check the threads!
2) if you thread one side fully in you won't get the other side started. Thread the non-drive side half way in first, then get the drive side started.
3) my unit came with a plastic sleave to cover the centre. It appeared to be missing a O-ring from one end. I didn't have a O-ring to fit, so I cut a ring of old inner tube which did the job just as well.

Hope thats useful to someone.
Crankcase BB

Thank goodness for Retrobike and the thread, and most importantly the instructions that someone has very helpfully attached.

I have just blundered into buying one of these: at my age I know should know better: I'm a mug for a bargain.

They look well made and I'm sure that they will work well for me, but I cannot believe the muppet that sells them ships without instructions.

I had more or less worked out how they should fit together and had spotted the deliberate error with the drive/non-drive caps.
At first I thought that building with the wavy washer on the drive side was nuts, but thinking about it, it is probably better to have any float taking the drive away from the frame rather the way I was going to do it.

Cheers JohnB
glad to see this thread
going to fit one this weekend

retro bike to the rescue again
nice bit of kit instructions or not
I'm saving mine for after the powdercoating's done.... or p'raps I'm just too chicken s**t to get down and durty with it :LOL:

Already got 2 extra sets of bearings..

If yours goes ok mikee, I may get another for the Wifes build.... :cool: