Welcome to this months vote for the RBotM Reynolds 531 themed month.
We have had a great response and a really high quality field is going to make for some tough choices this month.
Thanks to all who entered and best of luck.
I mentioned in a brief post earlier in the month that seen as how it is a special month showcasing the iconic Reynolds 531 tubing, that to me at least, has been the mainstay of high quality British, craftsmen built road frames for such a long period of cycling's rich history that I wanted to organise a prize for the winner. We don't normally do prizes but as I said I thought this month was a bit special so thought I would do something small to help the winner celebrate. Well I looked at various things I could get for the winner and I then thought, why not ask at the source if they would like to help us celebrate the winner.
So it was I contacted Reynolds Technologies and they were so enthusiastic and happy to share our love of 531 that they were more than happy to come on board and help us out.
They very generously went away and spoke with one of their suppliers and want to give the lucky winner a 531 T shirt, this is very good of them as I originally just asked if they were happy to be involved would they supply a congratulatory letter to the winner, personalised with their name and bike. So thank you to Reynolds as I thought I was maybe pushing my luck with a letter.
Reynolds also put it on their social media pages, twitter, facebook etc so make sure you go and check them out and also if you haven't checked out their website and social wall where you can post a photo of you Reynolds framed bike then definitely make sure you do. I know, judging by the bikes I see on there, that quite a few of our members already know very well about it. You can find it here: http://www.reynoldstechnology.biz/socialwall/
I also see that one of our entries from new member Dave714 has come to us from a Reynolds link? So hopefully it will bring in a few people who are into their old machines but haven't joined us yet.
Also look up Reynolds Technology on facebook and the other well known social media sites. Hopefully we will get a photo of the winner in their Reynolds T shirt posted here on Retrobike as well as on Reynolds pages as well.
Now on with the comp.
Usual rules apply in that the Poll will be open for 5 days after which the winner will be announced. The results are hidden until the end of voting.
1 vote per member. If by any chance someone has any problems voting then let me know and I will try and sort it asap or get a fellow mod to look into it.
Nominees are:
Big Block - EA Boult
Big Block - EA Boult by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr
dutchie - Gazelle Champion Mondial
dutchie - 1980 Gazelle Champion Mondial by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr
Wileyone - 1967 Holdsworth Professional
Wileyone - 1967 Holdsworth Professional Italia by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr
random42 - Legnano Olympiade Record Specialissima
random42 - Legnano Olimpiade Specialissima by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr
dave714 - Condor 531
dave741 - Condor by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr
bagpuss - Bates B.A.R canti flex
bagpuss - Bates B.A.R Canti flex by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr
legrandefromage - British Eagle 531
legrandefromage - eagle 531 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr
JSH - Rourke 531 Professional
JSH - Rourke 531 Professional by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr
kingbling - 1956 Holdsworth Shop Special
kingbling -Holdsworth shop special 1956 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr
jm - Stallard Zakopane
jm - Stallard Zakopane by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr
Spokesmann - 1960 Carlton Flyer
Spokesman - 1960 Carlton Flyer by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr
Welcome to this months vote for the RBotM Reynolds 531 themed month.
We have had a great response and a really high quality field is going to make for some tough choices this month.
Thanks to all who entered and best of luck.
I mentioned in a brief post earlier in the month that seen as how it is a special month showcasing the iconic Reynolds 531 tubing, that to me at least, has been the mainstay of high quality British, craftsmen built road frames for such a long period of cycling's rich history that I wanted to organise a prize for the winner. We don't normally do prizes but as I said I thought this month was a bit special so thought I would do something small to help the winner celebrate. Well I looked at various things I could get for the winner and I then thought, why not ask at the source if they would like to help us celebrate the winner.
So it was I contacted Reynolds Technologies and they were so enthusiastic and happy to share our love of 531 that they were more than happy to come on board and help us out.
They very generously went away and spoke with one of their suppliers and want to give the lucky winner a 531 T shirt, this is very good of them as I originally just asked if they were happy to be involved would they supply a congratulatory letter to the winner, personalised with their name and bike. So thank you to Reynolds as I thought I was maybe pushing my luck with a letter.
Reynolds also put it on their social media pages, twitter, facebook etc so make sure you go and check them out and also if you haven't checked out their website and social wall where you can post a photo of you Reynolds framed bike then definitely make sure you do. I know, judging by the bikes I see on there, that quite a few of our members already know very well about it. You can find it here: http://www.reynoldstechnology.biz/socialwall/
I also see that one of our entries from new member Dave714 has come to us from a Reynolds link? So hopefully it will bring in a few people who are into their old machines but haven't joined us yet.
Also look up Reynolds Technology on facebook and the other well known social media sites. Hopefully we will get a photo of the winner in their Reynolds T shirt posted here on Retrobike as well as on Reynolds pages as well.
Now on with the comp.
Usual rules apply in that the Poll will be open for 5 days after which the winner will be announced. The results are hidden until the end of voting.
1 vote per member. If by any chance someone has any problems voting then let me know and I will try and sort it asap or get a fellow mod to look into it.
Nominees are:
Big Block - EA Boult

dutchie - Gazelle Champion Mondial

Wileyone - 1967 Holdsworth Professional

random42 - Legnano Olympiade Record Specialissima

dave714 - Condor 531

bagpuss - Bates B.A.R canti flex

legrandefromage - British Eagle 531

JSH - Rourke 531 Professional

kingbling - 1956 Holdsworth Shop Special

jm - Stallard Zakopane

Spokesmann - 1960 Carlton Flyer