Raleigh Dyna Tech appreciation and information thread

I'll put this here, I have been quietly keeping my eye out for a 93 Ogre XT, MT4 Ti frame with Red lugs/rear end. I've not seen one for years & would love to find one as a keeper.
Nice job. How's the eye?

Thanks :)

In life so far spaffing a load of rust in my eye is no1 on the painful things never to be stupid enough to do again.. all good now but a horrible thing to go through.. sitting in a chair being told not to blink as the nice doctor slowly extracts bits from my eye ball... Being so out of it by the time I left the chair, I was trying to give the desk staff an address I hadn't lived at for over 5 years, thankfully my partner stepped in!

The eye hospital were amazing!
Thanks :)

In life so far spaffing a load of rust in my eye is no1 on the painful things never to be stupid enough to do again.. all good now but a horrible thing to go through.. sitting in a chair being told not to blink as the nice doctor slowly extracts bits from my eye ball... Being so out of it by the time I left the chair, I was trying to give the desk staff an address I hadn't lived at for over 5 years, thankfully my partner stepped in!

The eye hospital were amazing!
You spaff rust?

Dynatech M-Trax 500 Resto

Hiya guys, if any one is interested, starting my 4Th Dynatech Resto in a few weeks, will be on my you tube, mark`s matchbox memories, I'm just getting into a superbe resto, the 500 will be next.

Kerry knows I'm a massive Dynatech fan, I've 4 at the house at the moment, along with a 531 Avanti, 501 mk1 mirage and 1961 4fg superbe and a TT low-pro 600