Raleigh Corsa

This will be a cool bike, just get the drops back on there ASAP - looks like the original levers are bodged on the cohorts.
matching tyres, a tidier saddle.
Those lycra saddles always look awful by now, they get saddle leprosy.
I think my pals Corsa had a white into maroon paint finish. It kept quite tidy despite the abuse it was given!
Corsa, Ritmo, Triathlon and Quadra shared the same 531 3 tubes frame I believe. Stays were...well not 531, place yor bets, Probably hi-tensile steel as I think they would have shouted louder about them had they been 501. Triathlon and Quadra got 531 fork, Corsa and Ritmo again likely hi-ten.

That fade bar tape...if only you could still get fade bar tape, nothing else screams late 80s quite as loud.
I think my pals Corsa had a white into maroon paint finish. It kept quite tidy despite the abuse it was given!
Thanks Mohawk,

White into maroon sounds cool, I haven't seen that colour way before, I'll keep an eye out.

In your last post you mentioned your friends bike had something called a "Sante", what are that? I'm guessing it's a seat.
Corsa, Ritmo, Triathlon and Quadra shared the same 531 3 tubes frame I believe. Stays were...well not 531, place yor bets, Probably hi-tensile steel as I think they would have shouted louder about them had they been 501. Triathlon and Quadra got 531 fork, Corsa and Ritmo again likely hi-ten.

That fade bar tape...if only you could still get fade bar tape, nothing else screams late 80s quite as loud.
View attachment 924839
I know right ,that looks so cooooool.
And hoods, I'll need some hoods.
This will be a cool bike, just get the drops back on there ASAP - looks like the original levers are bodged on the cohorts.
matching tyres, a tidier saddle.
Those lycra saddles always look awful by now, they get saddle leprosy.
Lol, saddle leprosy is definitely an apt description!

I had a proper look at the brake levers and took the crazy amount of electric tape it was wrapped in off and they look to be the originals. But no hoods. However, there is a button on them, and I had a play, but for the life of me I can't workout what it does.

Any ideas? I'll get a picture up a little later
IMG_5381.jpeg Probably a quick release system which when used opens the calipers-wider to help with easy wheel removal
I think his levers are exage aeros
And the buttons are the fitting for the suicide levers.
Shimano rarely if ever had qr on the levers iirc, always on the caliper?

But when he posts a clearer photo, we can see.
I think his levers are exage aeros
View attachment 924870
And the buttons are the fitting for the suicide levers.
Shimano rarely if ever had qr on the levers iirc, always on the caliper?

But when he posts a clearer photo, we can see.

View attachment 924869Probably a quick release system which when used opens the calipers-wider to help with easy wheel removal

So according to a catalogue I've seen online I have exage A450 (sport?) levers with quick release.

If the button is for opening the brake caliper wider that is super awesome, gonna try it out tomorrow.

Also where do I go to find those parts diagrams?