There was a study that showed if you dressed as a woman, not wearing a helmet and rode nervously then drivers would give you a wider berth.
I'm about to start cycling in Singapore (when my bike arrives). A number of people wince when I tell them this, saying it's dangerous but my casual observation so far have been interesting. On a bus yesterday, the bus driver pulled into a bus stop, squeezing the cyclist between the bus and a lorry. I looked around for him in the way that you look for a pigeon in the road after you've run it over, expecting to see a flattened cyclist. A few seconds later, he tootled past the bus happy as can be! I'll never know how he didn't get squashed, and why he didn't give the bus driver a mouthful ...
I'm about to start cycling in Singapore (when my bike arrives). A number of people wince when I tell them this, saying it's dangerous but my casual observation so far have been interesting. On a bus yesterday, the bus driver pulled into a bus stop, squeezing the cyclist between the bus and a lorry. I looked around for him in the way that you look for a pigeon in the road after you've run it over, expecting to see a flattened cyclist. A few seconds later, he tootled past the bus happy as can be! I'll never know how he didn't get squashed, and why he didn't give the bus driver a mouthful ...