radio 2 now ( if you can )

There was a study that showed if you dressed as a woman, not wearing a helmet and rode nervously then drivers would give you a wider berth.

I'm about to start cycling in Singapore (when my bike arrives). A number of people wince when I tell them this, saying it's dangerous but my casual observation so far have been interesting. On a bus yesterday, the bus driver pulled into a bus stop, squeezing the cyclist between the bus and a lorry. I looked around for him in the way that you look for a pigeon in the road after you've run it over, expecting to see a flattened cyclist. A few seconds later, he tootled past the bus happy as can be! I'll never know how he didn't get squashed, and why he didn't give the bus driver a mouthful ...
My cousin cycled across the States with a couple of friends when he was 18 and got fed up with truckers giving them no berth - the weather was hot, so all he did was ride in cycling shorts and a bra.... and it worked :lol: Bear in mind he's a big burly 6'4" lad :shock:
orange71":2ezyyilg said:
My cousin cycled across the States with a couple of friends when he was 18 and got fed up with truckers giving them no berth - the weather was hot, so all he did was ride in cycling shorts and a bra.... and it worked :lol: Bear in mind he's a big burly 6'4" lad :shock:

Well truckers like every thing Bigger :lol: :lol:
you dressed as a woman, not wearing a helmet and rode nervously

maybe they didnt want to run over the tranny for fear it was going to be on tv :lol:

i give a good long eye contact , both so they realise you are a person not points in the daily crazy taxi/carmageddon/grand theft auto on the way to work and if you look long enough you can see their spirit turn from a brash cock to a little kitten once they have realised you know what they look like and am willing to tear the car open with your bear hands and drag them onto the street if they are anything but a driving god
I've only just started riding again, after 10 years of abstinence, and there's no way I'm riding without a helmet!! I know I'm not the prettiest girl on the planet, but I like the way my face looks!!!

And I hate road riding ... drivers can be SO unthinking!! I've always been careful going past bikers in a car, I don't want to be responsible for an injury!! :cry:

Maybe I should try the eye contact thing when I'm driving my L200 pickup truck ... would other drivers be more considerate towards me? HA!! Yeah right!! :lol: