Purple 1994/5 kona kilauea? Id help.


Dirt Disciple
I went to a used bike place to try and find a kona velocity stem for a 94 cinder cone which Im about to start a restoration on. I ended up leaving with an old purply kilauea frame and forks, but now that im looking around, i cannot find any the same? I am in western canada if that matters.

The frame has prestige sticker, has a newer font on the chainstay protector than my orange 94 cinder cone, and marzocchi 51 shocks, which still appear to work? The downtube also is ovalized near the bottom. Also the sticker says race light, but im pretty sure the forks are original.

Serial number starts with E4 or F4, so i think made in 94?

Any help much appreciated. I will definetly build it up.


Also i did find a nice shorter velocity stem for my Cinder Cone. What a lucky day. It will replaced an older 150mm joe murray style one that was too long.


Practicing with making full size picture, heres a quick mockup with some parts laying around.

Ok i got it.
Heres one more cindercone pic for luck

Great find, can’t help you with ID I’m afraid but someone will come along any moment. Love the colour, and its survivor condition.

Also love the colour of the Cone, but she’s crying out for a grey velocity stem

I would say that it is a 1994 model judging by the Decals – Spiral Headtube with block “KONA” underneath, and Oval “K” on the Top Tube with block “RACE / LIGHT” either side. 1995 Kona frames have “LIGHT” or “SHOCK” in italic.

F4 is the serial for Fairly Works built in 1994. My 1993 Kilauea is F3.

I only have a U.K. catalogue, so this purple option could have been for Canada, U.S. or Europe. Somebody like Canuck, Magas, al-onestare may know for sure, but the person who will certainly have that information documented is sadly no longer using this site!

Great find though.

Thanks keep it steel, the cone got a nice (much shorter) stem today

Mini that aa is a beaut. The cranks look 100x better with the anodized bolts and nicer cap.

Pip, thank you for your info. I double checked it is F4. Thats nice to know.