Public sector strikes on Wednesday

highlandsflyer":kmcsvdkg said:
Does anyone understand that socialism is NOT about having no quality or fashion.
As I alluded to it's not the fashion per se. Although it's hardly an exhibition of non hierarchy or equality for all when you are a millionaire living the high life in a council house.

He's a champagne socialist cnut of the highest order.
technodup":se24y78s said:
A bit of personal responsibility wouldn't go amiss in this country.

Agreed, as I do with "we're all in this together". Except some of us are clearly more in it together than others as Mr Osborne's autumn statement yesterday revealed, disproportionately harsh on the poor and vulnerable members of society while taking not one penny more was taken from the top 10% of earners. Where was the levy on banker's bonuses? Where was the commitment to recover the £25 billion evaded and £70 billion avoided by big businesses? Where was reference to the High Commission report on out of control boardroom pay which even the Institute of Directors describe as unsustainable? Crucially, what about the additional 100,000 additional children that will pushed into poverty as a result of yesterday's tax and benefits announcement (that's 400,00 children forced into poverty in the last 18 months as a direct result of Mr Osbourne's cuts, not to mention the 1,000,000 youth who are unemployed). "We're all in this together"? Apparently not.

By all means look at public sector pensions, but that isn't going to solve anything in itself, it needs to be part of a coordinated series of measures that includes addressing the (far more significant) tax avoidance/evasion, the (far more significant) bonuses paid to bankers and MPs pensions (and that's not as significant but the hypocrisy of those MPs supporting the changes to public sector pensions is breathtaking, even by MPs standards). Until that happens, in a coherent and equitable way, then the changes to public sector pensions to reduce the deficit (note: not make them sustainable - even the Government notes that isn't the driver) are more ideological than financial.

technodup":se24y78s said:
.... they can't afford a 3% rise in contributions...

It's a 3 percentage point rise not a 3% rise i.e. paying 6% then a 3 percentage point rise gives 9% or a 50% increase.

Hmm, all that leaves me peckish for a bit of processed Battenberg.
technodup":21xtq0ml said:
highlandsflyer":21xtq0ml said:
Does anyone understand that socialism is NOT about having no quality or fashion.
As I alluded to it's not the fashion per se. Although it's hardly an exhibition of non hierarchy or equality for all when you are a millionaire living the high life in a council house.

He's a champagne socialist cnut of the highest order.


He is a dedicated professional.

Very respected, and with good reason.
highlandsflyer":3h9tjdun said:
technodup":3h9tjdun said:
highlandsflyer":3h9tjdun said:
Does anyone understand that socialism is NOT about having no quality or fashion.
As I alluded to it's not the fashion per se. Although it's hardly an exhibition of non hierarchy or equality for all when you are a millionaire living the high life in a council house.

He's a champagne socialist cnut of the highest order.


He is a dedicated professional.

Very respected, and with good reason.

Who lives in a subsidised house while earning over 100k a year.

And having massive pension contributions paid for by his members.
taylorsummers":2y0wes9v said:
highlandsflyer":2y0wes9v said:
technodup":2y0wes9v said:
highlandsflyer":2y0wes9v said:
Does anyone understand that socialism is NOT about having no quality or fashion.
As I alluded to it's not the fashion per se. Although it's hardly an exhibition of non hierarchy or equality for all when you are a millionaire living the high life in a council house.

He's a champagne socialist cnut of the highest order.


He is a dedicated professional.

Very respected, and with good reason.

Who lives in a subsidised house while earning over 100k a year.

And having massive pension contributions paid for by his members.

And I would imagine they think him worth every penny!
Iwasgoodonce":ky9hn2dl said:
Feeling a little smug. The twins' school is shut and I have managed to change an afternoon appointment from Thursday to Wednesday. I can now take them to see the German Christmas market in Birmingham in the morning, then hand them over to the wife when she finishes at work to bring them home on the train. I can then lecture about GPS and robotics in the afternoon. A little quality time and nobody has to take time off.


We had a lovely time.
well i was quite heartened by yesterdays statement

apparently if i have made insuficent pension provision ,the state
will top up my pension

kerching win win
ededwards":1zjla427 said:
Where was the levy on banker's bonuses?
They're taking it direct from the banks to raise more.

ededwards":1zjla427 said:
Where was the commitment to recover the £25 billion evaded
Don't know, should make efforts to catch evasion.

ededwards":1zjla427 said:
and £70 billion avoided by big businesses?
Legally avoided? No problem, so no solution.

ededwards":1zjla427 said:
Where was reference to the High Commission report on out of control boardroom pay which even the Institute of Directors describe as unsustainable?
Boardroom pay of private enterprise is not the government's concern.

ededwards":1zjla427 said:
Crucially, what about the additional 100,000 additional children that will pushed into poverty as a result of yesterday's tax and benefits announcement
Relative to the pensioners who got a rise? That does not change the circumstances of the children one iota. Nothing crucial about it, usual pish from the left.

ededwards":1zjla427 said:
even the Government notes that isn't the driver) are more ideological than financial.
Ideology when bad, principled when good. :roll: They're being fairly upfront about it anyway, saying the majority who can't afford a pension shouldn't be expected to pay for top rate public sector schemes. Likewise the argument for uni fees for those who don't benefit. I don't see the problem.

I'm bowing out here. Too many greeting faced whingers expecting everyone else to provide for them. Nothing stopping people getting off their arses and providing for themselves more. Self security. Fnck relying on anyone else, government included.