Public sector strikes on Wednesday

taylorsummers":3goclfm3 said:
We_are_Stevo":3goclfm3 said:
rosstheboss":3goclfm3 said:
We_are_Stevo":3goclfm3 said:
Tory 'Divide and Conquer' rhetoric certainly seems to be effective on here... :?

What about the usual 'Tory scum' rhetoric that always ends up being spouted by the unions and the strikers??? Swings and roundabouts!!!

...and the vast majority of the whole population who vehemently objected to the Poll Tax??

Considering we are currently governed by a Prime Minister who doesn't actually have a mandate to do so and who, together with his wife, is worth £70,000,000 I don't see why people shouldn't fight for what little is rightly theirs - we do after all live in a democracy??

£70m, really??

Yes really, she's worth £40,000 000 and him £30,000 000 - hardly representative of the vast majority, most of whom didn't even vote for him...
We_are_Stevo":6c84svti said:
taylorsummers":6c84svti said:
We_are_Stevo":6c84svti said:
rosstheboss":6c84svti said:
We_are_Stevo":6c84svti said:
Tory 'Divide and Conquer' rhetoric certainly seems to be effective on here... :?

What about the usual 'Tory scum' rhetoric that always ends up being spouted by the unions and the strikers??? Swings and roundabouts!!!

...and the vast majority of the whole population who vehemently objected to the Poll Tax??

Considering we are currently governed by a Prime Minister who doesn't actually have a mandate to do so and who, together with his wife, is worth £70,000,000 I don't see why people shouldn't fight for what little is rightly theirs - we do after all live in a democracy??

£70m, really??

Yes really, she's worth £40,000 000 and him £30,000 000 - hardly representative of the vast majority, most of whom didn't even vote for him...

And where did that money come from, parents by any chance?? so would they have not paid inheritance tax on it??

most people didnt vote for the strike either.
taylorsummers":2kv0tacf said:
most people didnt vote for the strike either.

Apparently enough voted for it for approximately 2,000 000 people to be making a stand for what they believe in tomorrow??

If it was an illegal strike the Unions would stand to have their funds sequestered, which is why the Goverment has resorted to outright bullying in the last few days in an attempt to avert it...

...and if you think that the 'well off' pay a fraction of the tax they should then you are, at best, naive :roll:
We_are_Stevo":3c34n5w4 said:
Apparently enough voted for it for approximately 2,000 000 people to be making a stand for what they believe in tomorrow??
Hardly any actually voted for it. 25% or something? With a 78% strike vote? In other words nowhere near a majority. And pensions aren't something people 'believe in', they're out looking after number one. So would I, but let's be honest about it.

I'm no fan of Cameron btw, far too much like Blair for me but to bring up his election after Gordon Brown's non election (ever) is poor. And how his wife's money has anything to do with any of this is beyond me. Why do so many resent the wealthy?

We_are_Stevo":3c34n5w4 said:
and if you think that the 'well off' pay a fraction of the tax they should then you are, at best, naive
Is that the tax they are obliged to pay or the tax you think they should pay? If it's the latter it is you who is naive. Who wouldn't take any and every measure possible to reduce their tax bill? I bet you do it without even realising it.

I await the day we see a truly small state, low tax party in charge...
Private companies make a fortune out of public sector . Any quotes I get are always 20 to 30 % more than if I was working for private company .

so I am not sure that a more efficient public sector would benefits the economy as a whole as less money would enter the system .

Having worked in both sectors , public sector can be frustating at first but then you get used to it .

Very few countries in the world have the benefits we get as citizens in this country , healthcare, education , roads , security , etc....
To get a better system costs a lot more , french pay a lot more taxes for example .

I disagree with unions , but this government is only interested in making cuts and giving contracts to their Torries friends to make more money .
pigman":3et6w8si said:
ededwards":3et6w8si said:
....... a far more intelligent and well informed friend ....
not sure what that says about the contributors on this thread.

Apologies, that was a mistype on my part, I meant to put

....... a friend who is far more intelligent and well informed than I am
apache":jlnzb71i said:
I went from 24 years in public sector (MoD) to 5 years now in private sector. I did really well in my T&Cs and pension in the public sector, and now don't do so well on either of those in the private sector.

However, I don't (and never really did) believe that my taxes in the private sector should fund the pensions of my oppos in MoD (and the rest of the public sector).

Suck it up folks, it's time to face reality - you've done better than the private sector since the year dot - and now you're being asked to accept parity.

lol, perhaps you should not have those services that you think you shouldn't have to pay for then eh?

i.e. [sarcasm]I don't want the troops to be in the war.. so can I have some money back please? I don't use a car, can I have some money back please? I don't use public services, can I have some money back please?[/sarcasm]. So yes, If you want to fund a system, you have to fund all of it.

Incidently... as I said before... as my public sector company makes hundreds of millions* for the treasury.. perhaps we should not bother giving it back to the treasury, and just give out massive bonus's.. because that's what the private sector does right? Surely that's the right thing to do and all, since you wonderful people all want to advocate the private sector? Surely instead you should be asking why a massive profit is being made from the public and allowed to go into funding the government? They won't tackle that.. because it goes direct to government.. but as soon as they can see 'reduced' costs... and just have to make people pay more.. they'll do it. Perhaps you'll also see why this is NOTHING to do with reducing pension and making them more affordable but allowing the gov to get more money to spend.

Lastly.. year dot? The private sector had good pension upto around the 90's... and then private employed got screwed, whilst the gov stood by and let them do it. So no, it isn't "year dot" at all.. it's just year dot from your perspective of working in the private sector.

(* : It's not millions at present, we are just breaking even.. but the point still stands for when the economy picks up again).
cchris2lou":3cynw505 said:
I disagree with unions , but this government is only interested in making cuts and giving contracts to their Torries friends to make more money .
Aye, those too deep and too fast cuts that amount to less than 2% in four years. Whilst spending still rises.

I think I have the answer, stop the cuts and TAX THE RICH!! It's not what the Tories are doing, it's not what Labour had planned and it wasn't LibDem policy either so clearly no-one has thought of it before. I am a genius.
technodup":2j8n204k said:
I'm no fan of Cameron btw, far too much like Blair for me but to bring up his election after Gordon Brown's non election (ever) is poor. And how his wife's money has anything to do with any of this is beyond me. Why do so many resent the wealthy?

People don't resent the wealthy, they resent people who are not affected by the consequences of their own actions telling them 'We're all in this together.'

Of course his wife's money has something to do with! The average family has both parents out working their arses off just trying to make ends meet while they're being oppressed by a distant Cousin to the Queen who will never have to worry about anything!

technodup":2j8n204k said:
We_are_Stevo":2j8n204k said:
and if you think that the 'well off' pay a fraction of the tax they should then you are, at best, naive
Is that the tax they are obliged to pay or the tax you think they should pay? If it's the latter it is you who is naive. Who wouldn't take any and every measure possible to reduce their tax bill? I bet you do it without even realising it.

The more money people have the less tax they pay - fact...'s always the same; those that can most afford it don't - those that can't have no choice!