Public sector strikes on Wednesday

Rumble":2mmi0r10 said:
This is exactly my point, I made choices, they haven't turned out as i'd hoped because the game changed while we were all playing it. But I don't expect anyone else to pick up the slack for me, we all have to cut our cloth accordingly.

For what it's worth my view of the public sector is based mainly on 2 factors: the apalling waste and inefficiency i've seen close up, and the end result. Doctors and firemen are great but on the whole paying tax gives you pretty poor value in this country.

Please name some 'appalling' inefficiences other than the general sh*t they spout in the news? Then show me the private sector that is so perfect that it never fails. They both fail. The only difference is that the public sector is there to serve, whilst the private sector is there to MAKE MONEY. If you want people in charge of your public services that are more interested in making money that providing a good service... well.. you need your head looking at ;)
How about IT staff on daily rate contracts slated to run on INITIAL periods of 18 months. When told they could have the same person on a fixed term contract instead, at half the total cost, or less, the response: "Doesn't matter, we've got the budget anyway."

By no means an isolated incident in my dealings with the public sector. I'm sure not all parts of the sector are like this but I saw enough to tell it's not too unusual.

Or how about the building of the scottish parliament, or the edinburgh trams. Are you telling me that the private sector would have allowed a project like that to run years over time, double the budget and deliver less than half of what they set out to do. To date, no-one has been brought to account for pissing a billion pounds of our money against the wall on something we didn't want in the first place. No-one's been sacked, but a few have resigned or retired early and walked away with plenty of cash. And the difference here is when it happens in the private sector, it's shareholder's money, when the public sector mess up it's our money.
Scougar":4t3digr7 said:
Rumble":4t3digr7 said:
This is exactly my point, I made choices, they haven't turned out as i'd hoped because the game changed while we were all playing it. But I don't expect anyone else to pick up the slack for me, we all have to cut our cloth accordingly.

For what it's worth my view of the public sector is based mainly on 2 factors: the apalling waste and inefficiency i've seen close up, and the end result. Doctors and firemen are great but on the whole paying tax gives you pretty poor value in this country.

Please name some 'appalling' inefficiences other than the general sh*t they spout in the news? Then show me the private sector that is so perfect that it never fails. They both fail. The only difference is that the public sector is there to serve, whilst the private sector is there to MAKE MONEY. If you want people in charge of your public services that are more interested in making money that providing a good service... well.. you need your head looking at ;)

My wife works for the council and had a team building day at the local Hilton, with a veritable banquet for lunch thrown in. They spent £60k on handmade cupboards for a new centre not to long ago. *edit - they had to spend £60k so they could keep their budget for the following year - if they didn't spend it on frivolous crap or necessary equipment, they wouldn't get as much funding the following year* I could go on but I can't be bothered.

I see waste everywhere, it's unbelievably frustrating when you know it and you can see it every bloody day in so many different areas. To be honest, waste is probably what winds me up most about the public sector, when the money that could keep the pensions as they are or were, is being spent on unnecessary bullshit. If councils employed someone to keep their own expenditure in check then we wouldn't be having this argument. A little common sense goes a long way.

I work for a small company and over the years we have trimmed the fat off, and now we are very efficient. We have to be, especially now when times are hard, pointless expenditure is exactly that - pointless.

You can, of course, say there is waste in the private sector, but we don't keep the private sector afloat with our taxes, which is what pisses people off - it's our money that's being wasted.
Neil":cx1pln6e said:
mikee":cx1pln6e said:
pensions are just a scam
A bit overly cynical for me.

not really ,look at it this way , you give someone a set amount of cash
every month , then after 5 years or so they tell you that with present predictions you will have a yearly pension of £17000
then 5 years later they tell you that at full term you'll have a pension of £22,000 , woooo
then at the point when your 45 (25 years in) they tell you that you will get a pension , if ir runs full term , of £16,000
then the next year its £15000

now ,were down to £9624
so who stole all my money ?

i so far have given them a shit load of cash ,and still have another 15 years sorry 17 years to contribute , so might be worth oooh 6 or 7 grand a year

i would be better off down ladbrokes or buying a load of lottery tickets each week

or maybe some houses , and thats what i've done
I really cannot believe the spiteful, ignorant crap that has been posted on this thread! :x

You should all stop and actually think who you are slagging off when you spout your ill-informed drivel;

Fire fighters: yes, they get a lot of 'downtime' but train bl**dy hard during it. Would you have wanted to be one of the people picking bits of incinerated child out of the remains of those cars in that recent motorway accident??

I had a friend who was part of 'International Rescue' when they were flying all over the world to lend their expertise to other countries in times of trouble; he used to look haunted when I saw him on his days off!

Teachers: no support from the system, no support from parents, unending abuse from the little scrotes they're supposed to try and teach but aren't allowed to discipline - 'Ah yes, but think of the holidays!' B*ll*cks!

Nurses: under-paid, under-appreciated, under abuse every Friday and Saturday night!

...and I'm not any of the above!

...and think about our boys in Afgan, getting blown to f*ck for a take home pay of £800 per month! For volunteers who know exactly what they're signing up to!

I really, REALLY detest this '**** you Jack, I'm alright' society we live in today, and the f*cking morons who swallow the f*cking propaganda we're spoonfed every day and made to feel grateful for! :evil:
sort of what i've been saying stevo

we should be all together on this

them and us
When you see a culprit brought to book by the law for conning people into parting with their life savings in exchange for something that is promised with no intention of delivery they get said book thrown at them and are subsequently jailed for longer than someone else gets gets for murder...

...when this Governement does exactly the same thing the victims get universally berated for saying 'Er, excuse me - I paid for that!'
Not reading the whole thread so might have been posted before.

But I never seen the public sector go on strike when Gordon Brown raided the private sectors pensions. The country is bankrupt we all need to take a bite of the sh1te sandwich.
We_are_Stevo":3vx2f9il said:
...and think about our boys in Afgan, getting blown to f*ck for a take home pay of £800 per month! For volunteers who know exactly what they're signing up to!

£800 a moth take home?

Utter bollocks. It's way more than that.