Project: Shed(s)

Here's the ceiling pics. Quite a lot stashed up there but it could definitely be better organised

IMG_6071.webp IMG_6070.webp IMG_6069.webp IMG_6068.webp
I think i need to step in at this point and get you all to focus on the job in hand......this type of banter leads to people never making the first step on the road to recovery.....masking their problems with ever increasingly implausible excuses to justify their addiction.

Its also exactly what comes from poorly organised shed space...or should it now be renamed "sh-head" space.

@raidan73 basically, how the hell are you going to achieve anything with zero space to do it in and your not honestly telling me you can always lay your hands on that 3/8" whitworth when you need it.!

Step 1, i would humbly suggest, is taking the whole lot with the accumulated twix wrappers, 70s " photographic" magazines and mouse citadel.

Step 2, sort it into 3 piles,

1.... you cant live without
3.....why the hell do i still have this.

Thats a third gone to start with!

Step 3, choose the projects you DONT want to do.....this is far easier than the ones you do.

Step 4, sell or sort back into some deicated, organised storage

I think i need to step in at this point and get you all to focus on the job in hand......this type of banter leads to people never making the first step on the road to recovery.....masking their problems with ever increasingly implausible excuses to justify their problem.

Its also exactly what comes from poorly organised shed space...or should it now be renamed "sh-head" space.

@raidan73 basically, how the hell are you going to achieve anything with zero space to do it in and you not honestly telling me you can always lay your hands on that 3/8" whitworth when you need it.!

Step 1, i would humbly suggest, is taking the whole lot with the accumulated twix wrappers, 70s " photographic" magazines and mouse citadel.

Step 2, sort it into 3 piles,

1.... you cant live without
3.....why the hell do i still have this.

Thats a third gone to start with!

Step 3, choose the projects you DONT want to do.....this is far easier than the ones you do.

Step 4, sell or sort back into some deicated, organised storage

A voice of common sense..👍
There is no storage solution to be found in there,
The cup has runneth over...😂