Project GT 700c


Dirt Disciple
Hi All Just thought I would post update on My Project GT Arette Hybrid, Well I purchased this last month complete bike but found that the Seat post was welded solid in the frame, Stripped it all down and decided to sell frame on Fleebay, but then thought bugger it why not do it myself, so 2 Tubs of Concentrated Caustic (B&Q). and a very strong mix with warm water,dissolved the post out in 3 hrs, What fun we had me and the wife starring at a bubbling steaming black volcano pouring out of the Gt frame.( Little things Please us old guy's).

Anyway after that, thought why not strip frame back to bare metal, that was harder then seatpost, Blimey GT paint finish is bloody tuff stuff, but got there in the end.


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Re: Project Gt

Not sure if anyone is interested or Not, But the bare metal Type finish is something I always have liked, and good results in a past life when I ran a body shop. There is no guarantees that it always works, But I find that after a good sanding and flatting, I first Clean metal with Alcohol, then go all over with Steel wool then Clean again.

Then I warm up the metal "Gas bottle's once but Now find that a good Hot air gun works better", I Just heat to warm up the steel. then using Spirit based wood Stain (dark Oak). I rub on with a rag and buff off excess. and then once dry and cooled use Wool again to give texture back and then Seal with Plastikote Metal sealer ( The Range ) sell it cheapest for £5.99.
Job done the warming of the steel enable the dye to draw into the steel.

Works for me 80% of the time, and seems to last well.

well enough waffle from me just wanted share really.

I have cleaned up my Chainset I bought for £3 of Fleebay, Sugion GT. Semi Matt finish.
Next on list is to get hold of a 124.5mm Bottom bracket, Really fancy Royce BB but will have to see.
I'm definitely going to be watching this build and looking forward to more pictures of that finish.

I always find different ways of finishing metal intriguing - how well does this method resist corrosion? And is the wood stain just for dye, rather than adding any other protection? If so, I imagine there's a lot of possibilities for different finishes - though I assume the product has to be spirit-based to take well.
Well Cheers for reply, I will keep taking pics as I do more, all down to cash flow but, got bits to get on with so will keep the updates coming.

It does seem to resist corrosion pretty well, I believe it is down to using alcohol to really clean up frame metal and there are other ingredients in Stain/Dye then with the Plastikote Metal Sealer ( designed to go onto raw metal as well as painted).
Have not had any problems with other projects and they were customers stuff Old Motorbikes and a few classic cars with raw metal finished parts.....
I know what you mean about projects being controlled by cash flow.

I'll definitely have ago at achieving a similar finish then. Is the Plastikote a permanent finish or does it need re-applying periodically? On one of my bikes I run bare steel forks, for which I use LPS 3, which has so far done a great job of preventing any rust, but needs reapplying roughly every 6 months so far.
Hi I am hopefully building up more as a Drop bar tourer/Cyclo-cross style bike. Double front chainset not sure on the rear,as will start out with original wheels but am looking for some 9 or 10 speed 700c.
Hi RichMTrax - Looks like an excellent project, that seat post must have been a right so & so to get out. Will keep an eye on this thread.
Cheers Mate, Ive never seen anything so corroded up in my life. But caustic just melted it like it was butter.
Very dangerous stuff to use but fantastic.
Have you prised the seatbolt clamp back? Looked like it had been opened up to get to the post.

Nice work so far!

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