Proflex 752 in Southampton


It's a classic, but the frame isn't is the best shape and isn't all original parts. I saw one in better condition go for about £100 a few months back and if I got this for say £90 or £100 collected it would be ok and good for retro-ing back to its former glory. I'm actually in the process of doing up a 752 in the same colour.

I'm selling a 1998 K2 Proflex 4000 with carbon swing arm for £300 ono collected if you're after a very tidy example, its 20". I will post it too and I accept paypal. For more detail email me.

This is my old bike....sold it to him couple months ago.
He paid £110.

Only wheels and front canti's not original otherwise all there.

I thought it was someone from here. My estimate was about right then. I guess he's trying to recoup some ebay fees but its still a little too much.