President Trump!


One thing everyone has to admit ... the Trumpster has balls (esp. if he tries to implement even 1/10th of what he promised/threatened)
I know we are on the wrong side of the pond but I cant think of one idea/pledge/policy of the Clinton campaign.
ultrazenith":ujd89ffp said:
Had Sanders been the Dem candidate, he'd have been much more likely to win.

Sanders tanked with black voters.

Clinton's campaign largely based on feelings, appealing to offence and indignation tugged the strings which Sanders' campaign on inclusiveness wouldn't have. I feel it would not have made much difference.
I wonder how the Republican hierarchy are feeling right now? They have exactly what they want, but at what price?

Will Trump be able to leave his kids to run the family business for four years?

Will he be able to tolerate the slow pace of change that is designed into the system?

Interesting times... interesting's gonna be really interesting.
I saw the media going all "riots across America" this morning, there wasn't of course. I few cities had peaceful protest and a few of those had professional agitators that made them violent.

I must admit to laughing at these people as they are like remainers.

They are protesting and whinge bagging because they HAVE democracy and the democratic vote WAS used.

This kind of "democracy is okay but not okay if we lose" idiots, are what China has been holding up to it's own people as, see, democracy doesn't work, the protesters say so.
shogun":xv5zup88 said:
Aha, the old 'professional agitators' trope.

No trope. The organisation coordinating the anti Trump protests is called move on

The wiki leaks Pedosta emails show that George Soros is the money behind them, So no, not a trope.

Even Trump now is saying he has no issues with peaceful protest, but he does have an issue with Criminal and violent protests