President Trump!

Well I was surprised.

The analysis of this should be profuse so I am keen for that to begin filtering out, it should be interesting.

I will be eager to see if Trump follows through on any of his talk on real issues, things like de-escalation with Russia, withdrawal from some military theatres, 'smashing' ISIS, protectionist tariffs against imports and so on. I expect the hollowness of his rhetoric will see him a one-term president as one platform after another collapses. With any luck the dems will have learnt some lessons. Whether they harden on social issues or whether they back a less 'establishment' candidate will be telling.
Re: Re:

roadking":3nfm6vly said:
With all the uncertainty about this result, domestically and globally you call me blinkered...even my cat's laughing at your posts Rk.

I'm sure the conversation would be riveting and at a level you feel you can manage. Did your cat go to university?