President Trump!

KDM":1nu0r21n said:
We saw the same with Brexit. Minority groups, and I do not mean just racial, sexual, green etc etc have convinced themselves they are the majority. After a while the real majority feel they are constantly overlooked and made to feel anything they do/say is labelled as racist, sexist, xenophobe etc just for having a different view to that self proclaimed liberal elite.

So when a vote is available, the silent majority flex just to remind everyone they are the majority after all.

I saw a cheeky article about Farrage becoming an American citizen and then the American ambassador to the EU :LOL: :LOL: Them cheeky reporters.

Explain ' self proclaimed liberal elite' to me? Surely a term from those on the other side of the fence?
I'm not liberal, just believe in fairness for all, and as a low earner, certainly not part of any 'elite' either.
I base my views on fact, rather than believing the person shouting the loudest, or newspaper led drivel made to make people angry.

I know he's easy to forget, buit there's one R in Farage! Remember him? The one who spouted off about President Obama having no right to come over here and express his views over Brexit, before going to the U.S.A. to campaign with Trump.

But then that's just me, with my 'politics of envy' view. Another term from those on the other side.
This was nailed-on for Trump as soon as he was announced the lead candidate. Fear and nationalism is the new hope and cooperation. Even I 'laughed' at the Beeb this morning when they said this was a shock. Didn't they and the rest of the polling firms learn anything from Brexit?

2016 has been one of the worse years in my lifetime. A majority Tory government, Brexit, Trump, Bowie and Prince dead. As a mate said in my news-feed this morning, the 2016 end of year review should just be a giant shit on a rotating cake-stand.

al-onestare":3egyqqyn said:
This was nailed-on for Trump as soon as he was announced the lead candidate. Fear and nationalism is the new hope and cooperation. Even I 'laughed' at the Beeb this morning when they said this was a shock. Didn't they and the rest of the polling firms learn anything from Brexit?

2016 has been one of the worse years in my lifetime. A majority Tory government, Brexit, Trump, Bowie and Prince dead. As a mate said in my news-feed this morning, the 2016 end of year review should just be a giant shit on a rotating cake-stand.


Nothing to do with your four laps at Meyhem then! ;)

Hey, I'm only joking! :LOL: :LOL:


Are you coming out to play on Saturday?

Pre 2000 bike ride?

Mike Muz 67":3ffqbol1 said:
Explain ' self proclaimed liberal elite' to me? Surely a term from those on the other side of the fence? I'm not liberal, just believe in fairness for all, and as a low earner, certainly not part of any 'elite' either.

Fairness for all is a lovely let's have a hug mentality that also says every person taking part should get a medal and gold star. These rarely are events listed in the real world as reality is something they will want to avoid. As to your assumption you need money to be the liberal elite, that is your definition

Mike Muz 67":3ffqbol1 said:
I base my views on fact, rather than believing the person shouting the loudest, or newspaper led drivel made to make people angry.

Facts are, Scotland voted to stay in the U.K. The U.K. Voted to leave the European Project and the American people Voted for Trump. Are any of those facts incorrect?

Mike Muz 67":3ffqbol1 said:
I know he's easy to forget, buit there's one R in Farage! Remember him? The one who spouted off about President Obama having no right to come over here and express his views over Brexit, before going to the U.S.A. to campaign with Trump.

You're quite right on the one r, in the same way there is no letter i in the word but :p .

As you mentioned facts, the complaint about Obama was not that he had an opinion but more that he had clearly repeated a script written for him by project fear by Cameron and as an outgoing president with only months left, how could he predict Britain's trading with the U.S. in 2 years time?

Mike Muz 67":3ffqbol1 said:
But then that's just me, with my 'politics of envy' view. Another term from those on the other side.

Never mind Mike, one day you will see it is not always everyone else's fault :D

It's a thing of beauty. The establishment gets its arse handed to it on a plate. Again.

At some point the 'elites', the parties, the media and the deluded commentariat are going to realise they are peddling solutions the people don't believe in. Although given their natural superiority complex I'll not hold my breath.

Ah, I see.

So Obama was told what to say. :facepalm:

The Earth is round, That is also a fact. I don't see your point. People were persuaded to vote against their own interests in my opinion. We shall see how it pans out. As I have said before, no-one wants things to go wrong, we just have differing ways of keeping afloat

Of course not everyone can win, it would be absurd to suggest otherwise. I am talking about discrimination and media borne hatred due to race, colour, background, etc.

Take the horrific motorway crash, involving a foreign lorry driver, piling into stationary traffic while using his mobile. Next day, the papers are reporting lots of foreign drivers doing the same. Irrespective of how many ' indigenous' drivers are doing the same thing.
All to make you feel a little bit worse about foreigners. I know a bit off topic, but I just wanted to make that point about fairness.
If every driver I saw using a mobile at the wheel killed someone, the population would be going down.

Maybe you should define liberal elite for me

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