Powder Coaters in Southampton area?


Dirt Disciple

Could anyone recommend a cheap powder coaters in or around the Southampton area? I could look some up in the Yellow Pages or just Google it, but thought I'd ask if anyone has had good experiences with a particular company.
I can recommend a really good one in Porchester if it's not too far from you. Used him twice, just Wednesday I picked up my last bits from him.
Try contacting member stefan pethybridge.
He collected a bike from me a few weeks ago and mentioned he uses someone in Southampton
Portchester eh? Which one, and how much? Looking at getting my Bonty Privateer done and that's local to me. Did you have to mask off threads etc?
Apparently Tristan Finishes in Totton are pretty good if youre s'oton based.
Thanks for the replies. I've heard Trestan are pretty good, so I'll give them shout. Any details of the one in Porchester?