Posting problems


Dirt Disciple
I'm new to this posting lark but I have a Tange frame I would like to ask the gurus about and maybe offer it for sale. I've tried to post with image attatchements but I get my knickers in a twist. I click on attachements, then browse then I click on an image and select open, then attach, then post, but bugger all happens. I need the idiot's guide version of how to post.
Your best bet is to upload them to Photobucket ( If you don't have an account then it's free to set one up.

Once you've done that, just copy and past the image links into your post on here and up they'll pop :)

That's how I do it anyway ;)
I got caught out by the minimum of 5 posts before you can link, this is my fifth. You are already at 10, photobucket was easy to work, just remember to mark as public. It makes so much more sense when you think about it!