Poorly listed Ferrari Colnago frame

See what you mean, maybe the awful pics are deliberate then.

Didn't pay much attention 1st look :oops:
Wasn't there one of these on here before ?

My very limited knowledge of Colnago, didn't the Ferrari models
still have a Colnago logo on head tube.
It's not a Colnago, it's a Colango, says so in the title. Class auction.
pete_mcc":3quwwexd said:
It's not a Colnago, it's a Colango, says so in the title. Class auction.

Yep, classy, but not as classy as the sellers previous ford fiesta auction in the ebay feedback forum...

http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll? ... 0611074096

I especially like the quote, "ive got a new job and ive got to travel now so not practicle". I guess it's a real pain in the ass explaining your choice of motor to the other barristers at your new chambers :wink:
Wow, only 9 previous owners, it's practically new.

The best bit is it comes with an ALAM AND IMBOBILISER.

Sounds like a shit 80s crime fighting duo: 'Alam and the Imbobiliser, staring Robert Wagner and Don Johnson. Jacob Alam is a hard hitting Rabbi who saw his sister Ruth gunned down in a bungled bagel heist and has sworn his life to the cause of justice (except on the sabbath), The Imbobiliser is a cyborg cop sent back in time to escape from ex cops gone bad who want to frame him for murder. He lives on the edge and doesn't follow the rules, he's a renegade on the right side of the law but from the wrong side of town, he's got skin of steel but a heart of gold etc.....
Sounds like my kind of film pete :lol:

Perhaps there can be a cameo for David Soul riding the Colango..

Edit - wait a moment, it's a ferrari - surely Tom Selleck then :?:
pete_mcc":xodw7uyo said:
Sounds like a shit 80s crime fighting duo: 'Alam and the Imbobiliser, staring Robert Wagner and Don Johnson. ...


'genuine rs turbo none of this conversion rubbish'

But just look at that paint job, you can see the BRUSH marks.
