Yes. Xc pro works fine with shimano mechs. I've done it since they came out. Although the spacing is very very slightly different, the "float" on a shimano derailleur more than compensates for this.
Suntour derailleurs of this era are a bitch to keep in trim as they don't have any float, so any cable stretch, housing stretch or flex, worn parts, temperature, time of the month all means they then index poorly. Well set up perfect, but it won't last long before you twiddling that screw again on suntour xc!
As for xt on 8 speed, yes, you can. Would i do it on a good set of Basically there is no "hidden click". Why would shimano add 8th gear when 7 speed had just been invented with these shifters?! Plus having rebuilt many of these, what your actually doing if pushing the bearing out of and over the end of the bearing track.
It works, but only by virtue of the stop on the derailleur limiting the movement. The click is the bearing passing the spring hole. If you keep overdriving the shifters you risk them becoming floppy and poor in other gears as you are straining both the spring and the pressure plate.
So if you have a crappy set or you dont care go for it. If its a good set, and you want them to last i personally wouldn't.