
A few of my friends are coppers, and I wouldn't do their job for all the tea in China, has anyone commenting here got any idea how much shit they get on a daily basis? I doubt it.

Yes there are bad apples occasionally but that happens in all walks of life.

If you don't want any trouble from them, don't put yourself in troubles way.
When i was young if we were up to no good coppers would come down hard on us, even to the point of giving a few of my mates a beating in an old disused rail car..........they said, ''off to the police station or a clip round the ear ?''

My mates chose clip round the ear that was punches to the face and stomach.........sounds harsh doesn't it, but when i look back at the things we did, petty arson , petrol bombs, offensive weapons, attack holiday makers every summer,extreme vandlism,tieing durex to the coppers cars in the station car park, causing trouble in other towns the odd stabbing, and general nuisance.

They eventually put a curfew on us all and i decided to leave the group as most had started to serve time for violence, usually against coppers, trying to out dare each other.

When i look back now i'm glad the police were tough and i wish they still were, i had a healthy fear of the police that took a long time to fade. I now respect them. My life and a few other mates may have turned for the worst otherwise.

Out of about 15 of us about 9 started to spend time in prison again and again. I find it hard to believe some of the dumb and dangerous things that went on............i have every respect for the police now, knowing how their hands are tied and how they are taunted. Yes some of them are bullies and join for the power, they all look too short to me these days !
I've said it before, and I'll say it again - much like for the press - the country gets the police force it deserves.

Most of the electorate aqcuiesced whilst successive governments turned public services into (practically) private companies (or at least mandated them to run much like private companies) - and did so because either they didn't care, or were taken in by the "market economy will provide for all" rationale.

So now, the Police, and other services, are run much like companies, so should we be suprised that they start to behave like workforce having to justify it's existence in the same way that other businesses do?

If people had firmly challenged the mantra of "business knows best" when there was a time to turn the worm, we may not have ended up with all our public services completely at the mercy of market forces and KPIs - but we are where we are. Just don't delude yourself that it's purely the fault of the Police force - they are largely just playing the hand they've been dealt.

It's only natural evolution that change needs to happen - that economies need to be made. But it should never have been all or nothing - that was just a political argument of extremes done to polarise the situation and hoodwink the electorate in to the belief that the only options were old, traditional, tax wasting services, or new, shiny, largely privatised (or run like) companies.
Chopper1192":nuhu6txx said:
We all knew he was a loon but the do goody left wingers that run the place are more worried about employing people because of their skin tone than their integrity or aptitude.


I mean, really?

So pushing to make the force more representative is the direct reason for all this?


I guess it was a better idea to leave things as they were, with all the racism and corruption.

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