Please help: Shimano hydraulic rim brakes from 1970s

Does it say Shimano on the cylinders or calipers? They could be home made, utilising the Shimano lever. They certainly have a home made/prototype look about them.
Yes they're the disc brakes, these are rim and the lever is a bit different.
Talk on the discs is, OK not a lit of talk but. viewtopic.php?f=1&t=181851&start=10
Nice pictures given in an above link probably.

Find the date code on the parts, that should make it easier to narrow down.
75 Or was it 73? was the first disc hydraulic year. Rim maybe a bit earlier who knows.
Hi there, I know this is an old thread, however I'm from NZ, in 1975, 76, 77, when in High School had few Carlton Corsa's & Competition, Frejus!!! etc., guy at school had pair of them & told me where he got them from & local bike shop had 2 left, I brought both sets, last ones left, think I paid NZ$30 each back then, NZ$60 Lotta money for school kid in 1975 odd, fitted 1 set to an Orange Corsa, didnt know/remember they were Shimano, yes hydraulic rim brakes, whole kit came with lever unit, both calipers both piston units & black plastic lines already all connected up from memory, both front & back calipers work off the 1 lever had calipers with scallops in that the plastic piston unit fitted into at top like in your pic, sealed system from lever to piston unit, you could adjust for which one came on first by screwing piston unit in or out or something like that, very effective stopping power!, used them for about 3 years til sold bike, sold other set unfitted to ? can't remember! Found this as was looking for same set for sale again now! or info on them if anything out there, glad someone still has a working example, they came with a small black & white printed instruction booklet, basic installation instructions etc.
Get back to us if still have them!:) Thank you.

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