Plans for 2010

get fit, get a pace & campain it in the south england xc champs, masters class & poss mm
2010 is here and I has hoping to steady the ship and just do a couple of builds this year. But I already one and a half projects on the go with an alpinestars SS needing a respray and another alpinestars that i'm slowing acquiring parts for. I'm also struggling to keep the whole fleet in servicable condition if i'm honest, so difficult decisions may have to be made.

The main thrust of my efforts this year will be on fitness. I made huge leaps forward last year and hope to push on further this year. An introduction to single speed and SSEC should help this.

The NW&NW Area is really progressing and i'm looking forward to enjoying new trails and meeting new members from the area. I'd also like to sample some other regions rides, especially after enjoying most of 2009 riding with the NE group.
I was hoping to slow-down on the bike-front this year as I will be getting married in April...

DAMN, will have to look for a retro tandem now. :D
My brother has just taught me to snowboard :D
Great to learn something new. I find myself longing to get out and improve!!


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the Gotthard alpine pass on a mountain bike, possibly the Erzulie that I'm putting together right now.

a 4 weeks course on movie directing in London in April.
Finish a short movie I'm working on.

...decide what to do with the Explosif I just got.
bruce.of.zurich":2mvusyo7 said:
the Gotthard alpine pass on a mountain bike, possibly the Erzulie that I'm putting together right now.

a 4 weeks course on movie directing in London in April.
Finish a short movie I'm working on.

...decide what to do with the Explosif I just got.

That's an interesting one. My brother lives in Zurich and we climbed the Klausenpass together last summer - he's a keen mountain biker but modern I'm afraid. He's always on the look out for riding companions though!
Lands End to Kirkwall on the Tufftrax in the first half of the year.

Extreme decluttering.

New paint job for Tufftrax #1.

Be less tolerant.

Cycle regardless of the weather.

Jump on the ferry sometime and see how far south I can get on the bike in a set number of days.
We made a long list of "do's" at New Year 2009[sat in a pub in Whitby on NY Eve :roll: ]

..........fortunately I lost it :LOL:

So...2010 goes something like;

Ride bikes more
Get fitter
Finish or clear out projects[bikes/cars/RC cars]
Get that flipping website done

.....seems strangely familiar ;)