When I left the paper I did weddings for a while until I got to the point where, having set up my shot, I could have quite happily committed multiple murder on all the guests who then dived in with their f*cking compact digitals...
...then had the cheek go come up and show me afterwards! :x
I did a family wedding last year; I used two Olympus digital-compacts, Photoshop'd them to b*ggery because SWMBO didn't like the fact her daughter's bra-straps were visible through the dress, added a couple of inches of drape to 'clean up' the garter shot ( :shock: ), cut & pasted a couple of heads in the groups because no matter how hard I tried certain people either looked like startled bl**dy rabbits or blinked ( :x ), bought a bargain quality, quality album off ebay, then uploaded all the final photo's to Tru-print!
Less than a week later I had one of the best wedding albums you've ever seen! :roll:
I only used go charge a flat £500 fee, and I was still making a tidy profit, but the number of times they would go with someone charging over twice that because they thought they must be getting more for their money! :facepalm:
Used to do some nice Christenings too; big country church with a nice long nave, f*ck-off-great Manfrotto tripod and available light...