Pedals - a wasted afternoon? IT WAS A Ti AXLE!

Re: Pedals - a wasted afternoon?

TGR":31trhpi4 said:
p.s. the wife is starting to notice that her toothbrush is turning black
I used my Son's brush once and thought it was an old one! He hit the roof and snapped my brush in two in vengeance.
Re: Pedals - a wasted afternoon?


I could borrow your two piece one, I will even superglue it for you.

Re: Pedals - a wasted afternoon?

To get that nice curve I would find some metal tubing that can reproduce the shape, bend it far as it will go to create the space then smack it back into shape!
Shame these days I repair all sorts when I buy stuff from Egay!
Re: Pedals - a wasted afternoon?

Thanks for the tip, it seems that is the best way to repair them. I am just thinking of the actual time involved.

I should mention that i refurbed a set of pedals last week for the Gazelle, only to realise that they did not suit the build.

The dull one is as shiny as the other now - as they sit in their box!!

Re: Pedals - a wasted afternoon?

I have some forgive the pic. Campagnolo


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Re: Pedals - a wasted afternoon?

A clue in this pic -

Bedtime for me now - to have nightmares about pedals!!!

Re: Pedals - a wasted afternoon?

Mr History,

Thanks for the offer but I think I have enough at the moment!!! LOL

I hope you are taking it easy!!!


p.s. good night