Pavyc - sit up and beg - mysterious maker - Belgian?

Montague Rhodes

Dirt Disciple
The bike is branded 'Depsy'. And there's precious little on the interweb save for people stating that there's precious little on the interweb! I did find a 2nd hand comment that the firm were a Belgian brand of racing bikes primarily. I've found one other frame like this, but with drops and derailleurs.

the bike. we loved the lines of this thing, even if it's a little beaten up. We wanted to preserve it. ... 101550681/

the chain guard. ... 073499752/

I love all these old chain guards and a bit of research shows that this Depsy company were bought out by 'Metasol a Belgian firm'. There's a nice photo of their historic guards here: ... eschermers

Anyone here know anything about "Pavyc"?