Paris Olympics

Here is a bit about the Nigerian lass who got a last minute entry into the track events. Worth a read. The last paragraphs about how the home track is being abused boggles the mind.

That is such a sad but beautiful story at the same time. Cycling is, as we know, accessible for all now and a powerful equaliser, at a competitive level the journey still continues and it warms my heart it is not inclusive. I never ever felt cycling was an exclusive past time fundamentally.

It's like you question the worthy winners when you read that. A combative award is perhaps needed? I dunno.
We watched a bunch of sports today. Always try and watch things we don't normally watch, during the games, so watched some climbing, badminton, wrestling, 3x3 basketball, handball, football, trampolining and breakdancing. Some of the latter was ok but holy cow was the australian woman, Raygun, sh!t. The funniest comment i have read about her performance is this

"The only way this makes sense to me is if her head weighs 100kg and all she can do is spin her body around it."

Pretty sure it will not be in the 2028 olympics and will be replaced by another odd sport like cherry pit spitting.
Wasn't the climbing excellent! I just wasn't aware of the ins and outs of competitive climbing but it makes for compelling watching.

As for the Aussie 'B-Girl', she's come in for a huge amount of online abuse which is sad. I didn't see her performance but understand that at 36 she wasn't up with the best. Bit like the 49-year-old South African skateboarder -- just making it that far is an achievement in itself.
Wasn't the climbing excellent! I just wasn't aware of the ins and outs of competitive climbing but it makes for compelling watching.

It is fun to watch and play at working out how to get from a2b.

I got into bouldering and some indoor climbing, a long time ago, and it is hard work. I saw some amazing feats of strength from the talented climbers. I was rubbish at it :)

Bouldering is worth having a go at as you only need a chalk bag and some shoes/slippers. Indoor places are cheap to use(sometimes free), or if you live in the right parts there are always places in the countryside to play on. Just need to take an inflatable mat with you and It can be combined with cycling very well :)
Today was a bit mental in the velodrome. Lots of incidents and hard lines taken by the judges but rules is rules! . Kesi Brown is ok btw.
Carlin's sprints were both a bit messy -- the semifinal probably could have had a relegation either way. That bronze medal incidenty though, that should have gotten him relegated. It certainly would have been the end of my evening when I was racing, because Phil the Commissar didn't put up with dangerous riding. (Though, realistically, the difference between cat 4 and international elite is that the elite riders have a basline of bike nadling that's far abouve where I am)
Another crazy day in the velodrome!

i have enjoyed the cycling events and it was great to see some records broken and countries/athletes getting their first ever medals. Have also learnt a bit about some other sports and been amazed at what some people are capable of. It has been fun.
