Paris. Not Good News.

dyna-ti":1anul7uj said:
So far all terrorist attacks have been committed by Muslims.

It's only called terrorism when a muslim does it?

I see the propaganda is working.
Bats":18827ii2 said:
dyna-ti":18827ii2 said:
So far all terrorist attacks have been committed by Muslims.

It's only called terrorism when a muslim does it?

I see the propaganda is working.

Must be. Or are you now saying the London bombings WEREN'T carried out by Muslims in the name is Islam. That what you're saying ?. As that was what i was.

Or do you think i was referencing the IRA or something like that.

Ill rephrase my initial if it makes it easier for you to follow

So far. All attacks in the UK have been carried out by Muslims.

That better ? That help confirm my point ?

Argumentative SOB.
Huh? What about IRA attacks in the UK? German terror bombings all across the UK in the second world war? Or the Fascist bombing of a pub because some gays drink there? Islam doesn't have a monopoly on psychopathic loonies!
ultrazenith":3csxnz0a said:
Huh? What about IRA attacks in the UK? German terror bombings all across the UK in the second world war? Or the Fascist bombing of a pub because some gays drink there? Islam doesn't have a monopoly on psychopathic loonies!

However, unless one takes mass-scale state-enacted terrorism into the fold as well, I think a sober analysis of the world's most recent five years worth of terrorist attacks will almost definitely display a very skewed representation of the ethnnic/cultural background of most of the perpetraitors.
ultrazenith":3w0drens said:
Islam doesn't have a monopoly on psychopathic loonies!
No, but it seems they have the current monopoly on large scale, high profile attacks in Europe. And whilst the IRA, UDA, ETA, Breivik et al were terrorists in one way or another they had one big difference- they were happy to shoot/bomb others but not so happy to sacrifice their own lives at the same time.

These cnuts are so fanatical, so radicalised, so into the martyrdom etc they'll stop at nothing, which for me makes them all the more dangerous.
ultrazenith":12o3bib3 said:
Huh? What about IRA attacks in the UK? German terror bombings all across the UK in the second world war? Or the Fascist bombing of a pub because some gays drink there? Islam doesn't have a monopoly on psychopathic loonies!

Again im pointing out the obvious

YES the ira and other have carried out terrorist attacks in the UK, and, probably, other countries too.


Muslim fundamentalists murder 129 people but thats ok, as the IRA used to do the same thing :roll:

I seem to remember the Irish being lifted on sight during those events. Irish accent got you questioned.

So we'll keep that firmly in mind then ? The ira do it to so make sure you watch the Irish closely and report any suspicious activity.
Right CHECK, got that.
Oh my word, dyna-ti.

DYNA-TI: So far all terrorist attacks have been committed by Muslims.

EVERYONE ELSE: That's not true.

DYNA-TI: I meant the ones in the UK!

EVERYONE ELSE: That's still not true.

DYNA-TI: I meant all terrorist attacks in the UK have been committed by Muslims, when you specifically exclude all the ones that weren't.

EVERYONE ELSE: So you mean, what you said isn't true?

DYNA-TI: [angry indistinct mumbling]

I think what you meant to say was: "I'm sorry, you're right. I said a big fat whopping lie out of ignorance, because it fit comfortably with my prejudices. I will log off the internet forever, take my computer back to the shop, and reconsider my life."

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