Paris. Not Good News.

Except going by last time it happened their conception of "the scum behind this" starts and end with "is he a bit brown? does he have a beard?"

The approach of getting a bunch of men with guns to run at the enemy doesn't really work when what you're actually fighting is ideas. Sure does make a lot of arms companies rich though.
Oldmuthariley, I think we have both maybe been misunderstood with our comments, their intentions and their tone. My apologies, I hope we are good.
No more from me either.

120 now. RIP

Strange how if this was the US first thought would be teenage loner weirdo but in Europe it's something quite different. I'd imagine this lot are easier to find though (by their beliefs, congregation at Alan's snackbar and nature of working in groups).

So maybe if we stopped spending money on fighting these cretin's brothers in wars we cannot win and redirected it into protecting ourselves in terms of homeland security, intelligence networks etc we might prevent more people dying on these shores. France has closed it's borders now, well it's a bit ******* late for that Mr Hollande, and it's not the first time this has happened in your country. I'm not suggesting closed borders btw, but clearly more could be done to identify and snuff out these terrorists at source.

*I use we and these in a European sense, but equally a UK one. There's no logic with these fucks, best to root them out where we find them here and let them do what they want in the middle east.

Only a few hours ago Western leaders were crowing about taking out one junior rank mentalist. Now 120 civilians are dead. Like the war on drugs this one cannot be won in the traditional sense. Time to get real I think, the view from the moral high ground is a bit shit.
Whoever are behind these attacks are just evil.
I'm just praying for the victims and their families.
So very sad the world we live in now.
technodup":1jrz9xdi said:
120 now. RIP

Strange how if this was the US first thought would be teenage loner weirdo but in Europe it's something quite different. I'd imagine this lot are easier to find though (by their beliefs, congregation at Alan's snackbar and nature of working in groups).

So maybe if we stopped spending money on fighting these cretin's brothers in wars we cannot win and redirected it into protecting ourselves in terms of homeland security, intelligence networks etc we might prevent more people dying on these shores. France has closed it's borders now, well it's a bit **** late for that Mr Hollande, and it's not the first time this has happened in your country. I'm not suggesting closed borders btw, but clearly more could be done to identify and snuff out these terrorists at source.

*I use we and these in a European sense, but equally a UK one. There's no logic with these ****, best to root them out where we find them here and let them do what they want in the middle east.

Only a few hours ago Western leaders were crowing about taking out one junior rank mentalist. Now 120 civilians are dead. Like the war on drugs this one cannot be won in the traditional sense. Time to get real I think, the view from the moral high ground is a bit shit.

You just said something I agree with. That doesn't normally happen.
Re: Re:

k-rod":1gsutoxu said:
Is anyone truly surprised?

Wild guess. Their families, friends and loved ones.

What sort of digging statement are you trying to make?

Have some respect.

This has to be the most unsettling time in human history.

A horrific situation. I hope these perpetrators are caught.

What makes a someone decide to go ahead with all this?

Do they wake up and think "I'm going to murder as many people as possible today "?

I don't understand the attraction of organised religion, I dislike and feel sorry for their followers. How can anyone disassociate themselves from their religions when this sort of horror takes the human race backwards and into darkness and paranoia?

This will just breed more hate and fracture society even more. There's already mistrust between groups in society, this will amplify this and possibly create wider division and more unrest/ fanaticism / extreme behaviour
Re: Re:

highlandsflyer":1o29m11w said:
Personally, I feel we ought to be going in on the ground in the middle east. Hard and fast.

Because that's always worked out well in the long run.
Why do you think these attacks are happening?

Look at the reaction here already, to what is (thankfully) a rare occurrence.
Now imagine seeing innocent people killed every day, by drones and planes that you can't even see.
It's not hard to see what motivates these people.
Our foreign policy is the best terrorist recruitment tool.

The sad thing is that it's generally the innocent who suffer. Sad times