Paris. Not Good News.

As I said earlier (especially to those who talk about "wishing to continue living freely"):

The only times in modern history, that the world's wealth and resources were as unfairly and unevenly distributed as they are today (ie: hoarded into the pockets of the top few percent), were during the few years shortly preceeding both world wars.

It has been claimed by some that the fiat money system is a ponzi scheme, and it can only continue producing the imbalances it does if the 'system' can continue expanding/growing at at least 5% per year, but the west-world's reproduction rates are far below that and won't allow it any more; plus many many of this culture's 'real' jobs (manufacturing/fabrication etc) have been shipped off-shore ...

Conclusion: the modern world is fast headed into very troubling times. It appears, when one soberly considers all the war theatres active around the globe today, that the flames of some form of third world war have already been fanned.

As is said, time and again ... just "follow the money".

The real question is, is there anything that anyone can do, to change the direction of heartbreak and destruction that this train called earth is currently hurtling toward?

Change - the only constant.
ultrazenith":3ry5rkq8 said:
My first step would be to cut off their funding. We should start bombing their oil tankers, and threaten the Saudis and Turkey with consequences unless they stop funding and arming Daesh.

I don't see why the Saudis or Turkey have to be singled out. Most of ISIS' war chest (and training. and weaponry.) comes from Washington. :LOL:

Just an observation..... Don't remember the French lilluminating their tower in our colours when 7/7 went down, nor did they sing our national anthem at sporting events to show solidarity!
Re: Re:

24pouces":csj9cr8e said:
Thanks for everybody…
I still have no words.
But in France, we try to stay stand up and to continue to live like we want : going to café and drinking some beer of fine wine with friends, going listening rock and other music, drawing cartoons, riding our bikes… in some words : staying free.
Nobody can't say how we have to live, how we have to think and how we have to do. French people doesn't listening : we are disobedient.

Friday, it was not only Paris who have been attacked, but all the world.

Fantastic post. Thanks.

Sorry to anyone who has been upset by anything in this thread, and if I have antagonised anyone.

As was pointed out, our mumblings on here won't prevent it happening again.

However, it is inspiring to read the words of 24pouces.

Londoners had the same approach after 7/7.

I quite fancy a trip to Paris in spring.
ibbz":3oai82bf said:
I can't be bothered replying or getting involved in this discussion anymore so I'm out.

Sincere apologies for any offence caused. I think your insight probably means you are talking on a different, more informed, level about all this. If debate does any good, it is to change someone's attitude. Sorry again.
Re: Re:

fattiman":3etug10f said:
Just an observation..... Don't remember the French lilluminating their tower in our colours when 7/7 went down, nor did they sing our national anthem at sporting events to show solidarity!
So we're better than the French. What's new?


We are when it comes to popular music, but they have a much better national anthem.

I am much further from London than London is from Paris.

We really all live in a small world.