Pace 1 inch threaded steerer tube


Old School Hero
I need a steerer tube for a Pace RC35.

1 inch diameter and about 15.5cm length above the crown, with about 3-4cm of thread. I don't want to swap or cut the existing steer because I might swap the fork to another bike in time.


I have one... would need to measure but the length looks about right... Only thing is it includes the RC35 crown, which is quite a nice anodized blue colour. Can the steerer and crown be separated on these?

Yep, like that... Brain fade on my part... Will measure tonight and let you know. Price would be a tenner posted for the steerer alone..

Really sorry... mine is 1&1/8th...

PM Justbackdated on here... he's bound to have something. He is busy so can be slow replying to PM's but he will get back...
Re: steerer

I got one from a bike builder. Dave Yates or Chas Roberts i think. He just made it and posted it to me.
Re: steerer

steve e":qhe97q54 said:
I got one from a bike builder. Dave Yates or Chas Roberts i think. He just made it and posted it to me.

Good idea, Chas Roberts are currently taking a break from fabricating bikes, but I've bounced a email to Dave Yates.