other hobbies???

i only started this thread to see if anyone else had hobbies that seem to be taking over free space in the living room....it was meant to be light hearted...can we just let6 this bit go.....or the bag of kittens get it. :shock:
Neil":2jzmdbxx said:
1. My opinion that it's cruel to kill animals for entertainment or sport, can't be countered by fact, since it's an emotional judgement that doesn't get trumped.

2. What facts have been presented, here? Are you contended that coursing (and fox hunting) were effective as sole means of controlling the population of rabbits (or foxes)? 'cos I'm just not seeing the facts rolling in.

1. By the same token, my opinion that it's a very natural process with minimal suffering caused to the (natural) prey is also valid.
We can agree to disagree, I just don't appreciate being accused of cruelty to animals and of killing for fun. And it is of no consequence whether you think that's true or not since it is cold, hard FACT.

2. As part of the bigger picture, all hunting methods have their place and, combined, offer effective pest control. What I do is very traditional, arts that are dying with the advent of man-made methods (e.g. myxamatosis (sp?)). I actually quite like rural England and the tradition of hunting with dogs and ferrets.. working class 'sports' that would otherwise be lost because of so-called progress.
Don't know enough about fox hunting to comment, I'm only interested in rabbits. Coz that's what the dogs eat.

Have you raised this opinion of cruelty for sport with the fishermen? (I did ask before but didn't see the reply, sorry if I missed it)
gibbleking":vsfkui3s said:
i only started this thread to see if anyone else had hobbies that seem to be taking over free space in the living room....it was meant to be light hearted...can we just let6 this bit go.....or the bag of kittens get it. :shock:
I know.. sorry fella.. I was just proud of my dog last night and wanted to shout out.


A lot of local(rural) businesses near me that use warehouses have issues with pigoens nesting in the roof space. They call in the local 'pest controller' who turns up in his Land Rover with a beautiful bird of prey.
Sometimes the threat of the bird is enough to encourage the pigoens to leave, sometimes the bird is used to kill the pigeons.
I can't see any difference between the 2 things at all.
Re: .

Grannygrinder":pgxezh4d said:
A lot of local(rural) businesses near me that use warehouses have issues with pigoens nesting in the roof space. They call in the local 'pest controller' who turns up in his Land Rover with a beautiful bird of prey.
Sometimes the threat of the bird is enough to encourage the pigoens to leave, sometimes the bird is used to kill the pigeons.
I can't see any difference between the 2 things at all.

A lot of folk work the Hawks and Falcons alongside dogs and ferrets.. it's a small miracle (in my opinion ;) ) that the bird doesn't take the ferrets . .
IDB1":28zut1l5 said:
Neil":28zut1l5 said:
1. My opinion that it's cruel to kill animals for entertainment or sport, can't be countered by fact, since it's an emotional judgement that doesn't get trumped.

2. What facts have been presented, here? Are you contended that coursing (and fox hunting) were effective as sole means of controlling the population of rabbits (or foxes)? 'cos I'm just not seeing the facts rolling in.
1. By the same token, my opinion that it's a very natural process with minimal suffering caused to the (natural) prey is also valid.
We can agree to disagree, I just don't appreciate being accused of cruelty to animals and of killing for fun.
In fairness, a lot of the heat in this, came about simply by being questioned on it...

At no point have I tried to suggest you get your kicks in watching an animal die.
IDB1":28zut1l5 said:
2. As part of the bigger picture, all hunting methods have their place and, combined, offer effective pest control.
The point I was making - albeit subtly - is that often, the defence of various pursuits that result in animals dying, is that they are almost required to control the population. All I'm saying is that it contributes to it, but it's hardly an essential part of the control of their population.
IDB1":28zut1l5 said:
What I do is very traditional, arts that are dying with the advent of man-made methods (e.g. myxamatosis (sp?)). I actually quite like rural England and the tradition of hunting with dogs and ferrets.. working class 'sports' that would otherwise be lost because of so-called progress.
To be equitable, wouldn't you see it as progress, if as a result of attention brought (perhaps by media or celebrities) of, say, raising chickens in cramped cages, caused that practice to be signficantly reduced?
IDB1":28zut1l5 said:
Have you raised this opinion of cruelty for sport with the fishermen? (I did ask before but didn't see the reply, sorry if I missed it)
I'm not on some sort of campaign - you wrote something, I commented, that's all.
Yeah.. but..
If you are anti animal cruelty, and see bloodsports as such, people have posted in this thread about fishing and you've said nowt. You don't get to pick and choose, if you're anti, you're anti.

No single method is 100% effective. There are places that cannot be shot over, are unsuitable for trapping/snaring/gassing/ferreting/lamping with dogs etc. etc. every single method can only contribute.

I do not see the advent of gassing and myxi as progress, sorry.

And, since you are commenting specifically about me, you have stated that I do this purely for entertainment (albeit dressed up as something else) a number of times.

Sorry.. that's a bit jumbled up, couldn't follow the quotes to do it tidily ;)
IDB1":3e37akav said:
Yeah.. but..
If you are anti animal cruelty, and see bloodsports as such, people have posted in this thread about fishing and you've said nowt. You don't get to pick and choose, if you're anti, you're anti.
1. I get to pick and chose whatever I like. That's how that works, so let's get that straight.

2. I raised fox hunting as an analogy, you and others dismissed that, so you don't get to tell me that I have to debate a similar topic ;-)
IDB1":3e37akav said:
And, since you are commenting specifically about me, you have stated that I do this purely for entertainment (albeit dressed up as something else) a number of times.
I did, and you effectively agreed.

Even I can see there's a difference, though, in saying a pursuit is done for entertainment, and saying somebody gets their kicks out of watching waskally wabbits getting offed ;-)

I understand, you are entertained by watching your dogs hunt, as opposed to purely watching the act of them kill something.