Orange Vitamin T strip and build

Lovely. My Vit T takes a 27.0 post by the way but they did have a few versions of this frame.
Thank you.

Regarding different versions, most of the T1s I've seen online don't appear to have the reinforcement at the top of the seat tube.

And I've heard some T1s used 1inch headsets; this one is 1-1/8. Don't know how true that is. 🤷‍♂️
Not as clear an image as I'd like, but the vertical cut in the seat tube is consistently equal width all the way down. But then look at the angle that the clamping lugs were welded on. They give the impression they could almost bind together on the back edge when fully tightened.

So 30 years ago to sort out this problem as well as the too small seatpost I started by making shims out of Coke cans to wrap around the post. To solve the out-of-square lugs problem I junked the QR and replaced it with a Ti bolt and end caps. But because of the angle the lugs were sitting at the Ti bolt actually bent along its length as it was tightened. To get a straight passage for the bolt I would have needed to ovalise the holes in the lugs even wider than they are, and not wanting to do that on a new titanium frame I made a pair wedge shaped aluminium spacers from an old bit of tubing - they're the little spacers to the inside of the black caps. The wedges straightened out the line through the lugs so the bolt now clamped in a straight line.

This need for further ovalisation of the lug holes, and the 26.8mm post (when it should have been 27.0mm) were the reasons the QR could never be tightened enough to prevent the post gradually slipping down during my early rides.

These days I'd have the bike shop sort it out on warranty, but BITD all I wanted to was ride, so I sorted it myself.

I know there's a great deal of love here for Vit-ts but even when new they were not without their issues. In virtually every way it's superior to my Trimble - smooth ride (although the Trimble's not far behind) snappiness, weight, acceleration and climbing. But I never truly fell in love with it. Maybe the initial problems coloured my opinion. I really enjoyed riding it because it was (is) a fantastic bike, but if I had to keep just one retro bike, as great a bike as it is for its period, it's the Vit-T that would be up for sale. That's how much I love my Trimble.

What is it they say about your first love?