Orange Aluminium 'O' ...or is it?


Dirt Disciple
This has coming into my possession with a job-lot and whilst, I instantly and naturally thought '91 Orange Aluminium O, there does seem to be some doubt in my mind... Rivetted-On Cable Stops, Different shape Brake Bosses, Press-Fit Bottom Bracket Shell, Rear Drop-Outs Slightly Different Shape, 32mm Fat Steerer looks right I guess... CrMo Forks...

Any ideas folks?

Cheers in advance... DSC05731.webp DSC05732.webp DSC05733.webp DSC05734.webp DSC05735.webp DSC05736.webp DSC05737.webp DSC05738.webp
I thought 93 ish Marin initially but not now I’ve read it properly. Is that 1 ¼ headset?
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Two batches of the Alu-O's had rivited cable stops, this would be the of the first 2 batches, if it was one of them. It's not.
But it does look on the surface to be of the pre-batches, the iCE MAN "O" style. Same dropouts style, same press fit BB etc.
Search for that and compare.

Who did you get the job lot from, most have passed through the forum.
Ok interesting - so, what does iCE MAN refer to?

Came in a huge liquidation lot of parts and bikes we bought from a UK retailer so no idea - been wrapped-up and stored for a while though...

Thanks for your help but not seen a frame online with the same drop-outs - will keep looking...
Here's your answer right here -
Had this resprayed at a massive cost by @KOMRAID. Evri lost this frame when it was posted back. This is one of the prototype aluminium "O"s - It's original paint before the respray had Iceman's "O" in decals on the top tube, hence it has become known as the Iceman here.

Fortunately, I've retained the original parts. The bottom bracket is custom machined so finding a replacement is impossible - and you won't be able to build the bike without it.

There's also a crack at the seat joint too. @Cheshire1980 can confirm this. I wouldn't want to ride it in anger. My intention was to build as a showpiece

Naturally, I'm keen to have this back. Please PM me and we can discuss this further.
