Orange ads/catalogue from '91?


Dirt Disciple
Does anyone have a copy of mbuk or similar from 1990/1991 which might have a Stif Orange ad like this one from 1992 :


(shamlessly stolen from northerndave's prestige thread :p )

or a catalogue with colour options.

I would like to see for certain the colour options shown, the aluminium 'o' I have is getting repainted and I see in '92 it was offered in 'satin' black. I've already seen it was available in black, but no one has said if this is gloss or satin.

Now, I have a satin black M700SL cannondale and a matt black On-One The Gimp so another satin black bike would go quite nicely.......

My original Aluminium 'O' from '91 is matt black,but its not jazzy,so off to the powdercoaters it goes to get a shiny high gloss finish. It suits it better,want to see how they should look? take a gander at Boy 'O' Boys gallery. that man knows Orange!
orangeally":2qbl9wzl said:
My original Aluminium 'O' from '91 is matt black,but its not jazzy,so off to the powdercoaters it goes to get a shiny high gloss finish. It suits it better,want to see how they should look? take a gander at Boy 'O' Boys gallery. that man knows Orange!

Ahhhhhhh, just noticed the 'gallery' button at the bottom of posts :oops:

Looks like his is a satin black '91 as well.............. I can feel a stripping and painting session coming on!
A 1991 brochure sold on eBay for £1.98 posted earlier today! Might not have answered your question though.
I'll have a dig round and see what I can find. I've personally seen O's in matt grey and yes satin black. Both were original. If you need I can scan whatever I've got. I think the catalogue I've got from 93 only shows matt grey, but think 92 has more. Bad news is that the 91 cat is only black and White.
cheers, would be great if you could.

Think i'm settled on satin black then, might start the strip down tonight!
class, cheers!

Mine is an 'O' XTR, weighed it last night and it was bang on 26lb, but has a deore crankset which may be the difference between 25.75 and 26lb (along with years of crud and grease packed everywhere!)
orangeally":28neu7p4 said:
My original Aluminium 'O' from '91 is matt black,but its not jazzy,so off to the powdercoaters it goes to get a shiny high gloss finish. It suits it better,want to see how they should look? take a gander at Boy 'O' Boys gallery. that man knows Orange!

Cheers orangeally :oops:

Got any pics up of your 'O'? - My matt black one is a 95% accurate representation of the 'O' I had when I was 16!!! - even down to the mismatched groupset and Amberwall smokes. Only thing I'm missing is the Custom stalk bar/stem combo.... watch this space!!
The original was one of the first 6 black 'O's available - I'd ordered in the Matt silver but they didn't have one - nor did they have one in orange/white fade so I ended up with one of the first black one's!! - my Formulaesque "O"!!!

I've got another 'O' in in interesting colourway coming soon!!

boy"O"boy":4eut755g said:
Got any pics up of your 'O'?

just these rubbish ones from the night I got it



I've strated stripping it, although I've hit on a couple of problems.

1. The bottom bracket teeth are totally chewed to bits, I've got it half out but its extremly tight and now I can't get the tool to stay in the splines without chewing them more (its not many more slips off being smooth!), think I'm going to try and get hold of a Park BBT-2/BBT-22 to clamp up to the BB with a skewer, as per the pictures on their site.

2. The quill stem is stuck fast in the heatube, I've tried giving the tightening bolt a 'tap' with a hammer on top to no joy. Upside down and a soak in wd-40 may help I guess.

Missing XTR parts seem to only be crankset, brake pad carriers and a couple of bits of the grey/silver xtr cable outer the rest appears to all be there.

Will be starting a <1997 ride thread tonight hopefully

*edit* just realised the wheels are wrong, they are on more modern XT hubs with mis-matched rims