OnOne 456


Retrobike Rider
Gold Trader
Well this wasn't supposed to happen (cos I'm in the middle of building a whyte 19 steel :oops: )... I bought this completely by accident last weekend and it's just turned up today..

I absolutely love it :)

Metallic brown
Carbon forks
Hayes brakes


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I say "accidentally" in a loose sense...

I'm currently building a whyte19 steel and busy squirrelling parts away, then this came up on a Facebook page for a steal of a price so it was hard to resist, especially as I still needed wheels for the Whyte and this happens to have a decent pair on... I thought I could just swap them between the two bikes..

Had a couple of short rides on this now and I'm flabbergasted as to how well it rides and especially how bloody light it is for a steel frame. Guess the forks and 1x9 setup help? But still...
Tbh it sounds more like you were looking in the right place at the right time to me and although i'm a tad jealous :mrgreen: i'd of been just as tempted as you in that type of situation ;) any how now you've got it make the most of it mate :) ..
Yeah that's a good way of putting it, we'll go with that one. :LOL:

First proper ride on the OnOne today, and I'm absolutely over the bloody moon with it in every way. Really supple, really smooth and surprisingly agile.

I upgraded to a 180mm front rotor and now the braking is beyond phenomenal.
Sounds awesome mate and for godsake don't go using the brakes in a hurry or you'll end up taking a quick trip that you don't want ;) :LOL: .

Very nice steve :)

I've always fancied an early one with v brake posts.