One for the Lawwill lovers - Schwinn rebuild with twist ;-)

Re: One for the Lawwill lovers - Schwinn rebuild with twist

Absoloutely loving this, fair play to you for having the balls to put your money where your mouth is and get it built. Must have been a nervous time building it up and taking it for its first ride out.
Re: One for the Lawwill lovers - Schwinn rebuild with twist

Must have been a nervous time building it up and taking it for its first ride out.

I'd say more frothy-mouthed excitement than nervous :-)
Re: One for the Lawwill lovers - Schwinn rebuild with twist

That is stunning, what a great idea and a "sub zero" cool bike. Respect :!:

Quote: "How many people did you interact with today that use their hands to make something?"


From the guys at Independent


Fantastic build, I'm currently waiting on a frame from BTR, really enthusiastic and helpful chaps
I'm totally gobsmacked!! and i'm very impressed to say the least by this story and your final achievement which has blown me away 8) ..
Thanks guys, I really should update this thread as I've had nearly 18months on this bike now and it's had a few tweaks and been properly thrashed and has been through a few races now as well so is pretty much dialled in exactly how I want it, and some new pictures wouldn't go amiss ;-)