Olympics mens MTB race on BBCi

Bikeshopowner":2m8a24nl said:
What do people think about the 2012 Olympic MTB course location - apparently it's in Essex - not my idea of MTB country - try North Yorkshire, Scotland or Tims area - Wales (it would probably kill a majority of the field - a proper MTB race!)
:shock: :shock:

From what I have seen today the courses have changed from 10 or so years ago as they are shorter and more 'rolling' so Essex will probably be OK.No doubt this is due to the demands of TV and spectators. One other observation from today is that the riders body compesition is different due to the change in courses. Todays riders are more powerful and stocky to suit todays power courses whereas in my day when we rode to the top of a mountain and back down again the top riders were generally lean and very light. As I am three stone heavier than when I was racing maybe I could make a comeback :LOL: :LOL:
flyingwelshman":2vxsck3s said:
As I am three stone heavier than when I was racing maybe I could make a comeback :LOL: :LOL:

could be a spot for you in the Sports Casuals Team at MM next year Tim :LOL:
this Sarah? Used to be a gymnast apparently.

I actually remember the first ever MTBing on telly.V.Early 90s I guess. I remember thinking " YEEESSSS!!!!! Everyone will know how cool I am too. "
Because ordinary people ,not weirdoes,didnt even KNOW what MTBing was.
It was a Grundig in Scotland.John Tomac,who was fairly good,was climbing up a singletrack climb on a remote moorland,on his own ,at a snails pace.The commentator said somethinglike " nothing can stop this guy ",or something ,at which point he got off to run up.
It was the lamest TV ever.Anyone harbouring the faintest notion of maybe becoming a MTBer would have immediatly gone out to buy a snowboard.
It's not moved on that much has it.
I watched about a half of it today.We can appreciate the fitness of the riders and that uphill did look tough,but the public want blood.
Enter stage left ,
shinny will have her day.
I loved the Italian rider who did a one hander wheellie across the line. If I was a sponsor with big money I would be knocking on two doors - Absalon and the Italian wheellie king.
yup shes a very bendy lady......wot a babe.... :Dme thinks that lycra would look good on her persons(tries to keep it clean case the mods have a spare bunch/hoard of angry villagers/peasants(tm) ready to storm me castle)
Bikeshopowner":2uphosto said:
What do people think about the 2012 Olympic MTB course location - apparently it's in Essex - not my idea of MTB country - try North Yorkshire, Scotland or Tims area - Wales (it would probably kill a majority of the field - a proper MTB race!)
:shock: :shock:

I can almost hear the commentry. "Welcome to the Harlow branch of Tesco and its car park for the olympic XC finals. Now these high kerbs may catch some riders out..."

Perhaps they will tempt 'Charlie' out of retirement! Only those who have been mountain biking (in the UK) for a considerable time will have a chance of remembering that ad! Kudos to any who can name the product. (Note. I may not have remembered it correctly myself).
MadCowKev":2gkadc1b said:
flyingwelshman":2gkadc1b said:
As I am three stone heavier than when I was racing maybe I could make a comeback :LOL: :LOL:

could be a spot for you in the Sports Casuals Team at MM next year Tim :LOL:

Dont tempt me :LOL: If I did ride it would not be on any of this modern dual suspension carbon rubbish. The TI mega could see the light of day after 13 years hibernation :LOL: - if only I could fit into that AS skinsuit :LOL: