November ride - Falkirk Local Trails 30th

Re: Re:

Hawmaw":1acs59js said:
Looking forward to this. Not been on a bike for a month due to laryngitis and a very aggressive cold virus (doctors words , not mine) . Still a bit wheezy so may be struggling but it'll be nice to get out in the fresh air !

Not been on a bike for a month ?, i've not been on a bike since Dunkeld : O
Re: Re:

jimihendrix":1cv1so6r said:
Hawmaw":1cv1so6r said:
Looking forward to this. Not been on a bike for a month due to laryngitis and a very aggressive cold virus (doctors words , not mine) . Still a bit wheezy so may be struggling but it'll be nice to get out in the fresh air !

Not been on a bike for a month ?, i've not been on a bike since Dunkeld : O
Thanks guys this makes me feel better about my current fittness level :LOL: . I'll be there, forgot to ask my mates if they wanted to come along so I'll be on me tod (well probably on my Trimble but you know what I mean).
Did final recce for the Sunday run. Muddy, but retro friendly.


Retro Friendly is good, bad week of work has left me with no enthusiasm for finishing fatty for Sunday but you never know. Time to reach into shed and pull out Emmelle Dolomite, only needs air in tyres and brakes fettled. :)

Oh and at least two meetuppers are coming but in light of recent discussions they may be the last aswell. Good lads though, enthusiastic.

I've agreed to a night out in Glasgow tomorrow night, a mates 50th, will try not to go too nuts to be fit for Sunday but you know how these things can end up :facepalm:

Sorry lads. I'm out. I'm pissed off to say the least :evil:

Wife and 16yr old daughter "forgot" they had a first aid course from 9am - 5pm on Sunday so I'm required to look after 11yr old son and to drive 14yr old daughter to 2 different gymnastics sessions.
One in the morning in EK and another in afternoon in Clydebank. So that's that.