Thanks for link aguycalled80.
Its funny. When looking Santa Cruz and considering its today value and perceived heritage, one would compare it to other brands like Intense, Ibis, Yeti..
But in fact, Santa Cruz totally built itself only AFTER buying Outland VPP patent.
In 90s Santa Cruz was nobody.
Tazmon was terrible looking bike. Chameleon, Heckler came later, but it was not enough to create buzz around that brand.
In the second half of nineties, Intense was huge. Ibis was cool and quirky. Yeti was big. Mountain Cycle was big, Foes was mostly DH, but big aswell.
But even smaller companies like Ventana, Turner, Ellsworth had much more going and stronger market presence than Santa Cruz. At least thats how i remember it.
Ofcourse all that changed after genious aquisition of VPP. I always wondered why Santa Cruz share the patent with Intense from the start, but now i think i understand.
Since Santa was basically nobody and technology was new, weird and failed in some sense, they in fact needed some credible brand to persuade people that VPP is real deal.