NOS 1985 SBDU Raleigh team pro super chrome.

Absolutely stunning bike. It's been my aim for a while to take a rough 531C Raleigh frame and refurb it to this scheme. I have an '85 Team Rep. in white on Team Panasonic colours.

The scheme on this bike though, does slightly differ from that in the Raleigh '84 catalogue (note unpainted BB & front lugs and half-painted forks)

Dunno what to say...speechless.

Bike of the month? More like bike of the decade. That is just incredible. I'm going for a sit down.
Get yourself some boxes and fill with them ticks!

that is a sight to behold - 20 minutes of my life well spent looking over those photos.

Bravo...or as they say in Nottingham - nice one duckeh..
Great looking bike, my mate bought one of those frames, turned out it was too heavy for his liking so flogged it and ordered up a 753 from Raleigh
Cheers all, it's under a dust sheet next to the dehumidifier for the winter now . If it wasn't for the expensive alloy freewheel and Clement tubs I'd be more inclined to use it :wink:
i've only just stumbled upon the photos of your bike shawn and i'd like to say two things:

firstly, you're a sick man!

secondly, does your wife have a sister?!!

absolutely AWESOME!! i've never seen one in the flesh before and those photos are simply stunning. this is the kind of thing that we would see at the cologne bike trade shows in the '80s - gorgeous!! are those assos rims per chance?
