1981 SBDU Raleigh team Ti 753

Lovely bike and amazing cats. How do those tubs run? Also and unconnected withe bike, what breed are those felines?
Iwasgoodonce":3m7tty7h said:
Lovely bike and amazing cats. How do those tubs run? Also and unconnected withe bike, what breed are those felines?

Thanks. I've not had the balls to glue those tubs on yet :lol: I will someday soon but I have had a spin up and down the road and they roll lovely. You can tell a good quality tyre by how well they fit and sit on the rim, these are a great fit.
As for the cats, they are pedigree bengals, 15 month old brother and sister. Unlike any other cat we have owned! they are nuts and pretty big things too.