No rhyme no reason just 1 Retrobike pic per post.


I'll just add to this; I've removed the poll and made the thread a sticky. Can we please try and keep commentary to a minimum. I appreciate some pics will raise questions and comments, which is fine, but this thread should be mainly about the pics :) I'm not going to start deleting relevant comments but will remove needless chat, when I see it.
Cheers, Raidan73

I'll just add to this; I've removed the poll and made the thread a sticky. Can we please try and keep commentary to a minimum. I appreciate some pics will raise questions and comments, which is fine, but this thread should be mainly about the pics :) I'm not going to start deleting relevant comments but will remove needless chat, when I see it.
Cheers, Raidan73
I can't see a pic in your post though? 20240820_173234.webp