No my Bike!


Dirt Disciple
:D No..No..NO....Not my bike.
I was saying ..if it had been a quality might of been a Haro.
But your quess of it beign a British spot on I would say.

I did say there were alot of cheap e-stay framed bike made in the early 90's..Birtish Eagle being one of them.
I did have a Nisiki Alien frame...(SP)?....but put it out for the dustbin man.
I had built it up..looked great! frame..rasta parts..real riding it..I had 2 rather nasty crashies and a couple of not so bad ones..IN THE SAME RIDE!!!
I continually kept riping the rear wheel out of the frame..not matter how much I tightened it. Got hurt pretty bad,so gave up on it.. being to dangerous to ride. Stripped it and ditched the frame. Real shame as I love e-stay frames..and always wanted an Alien. :cry: (dreambike = Boulder Ti Intrepid)

None of my present bikes are ridable at the moment. Except 1 cheap tandem, which I still cant ride becuase I am now suffering from arthritis, and have not ridden for over 2 years.

Main bike original GT RTS 1. Love it..great ride.
Plus I have a Mantis Pro Floater frame knocking about..and a Mongoose 7.0 frame. Also a Dawes Double Egde tandem frame. Which I was going to build up from parts salvaged from our other tandem..Colella Full-Sus.
We broke the Colella frame..real shame..only 10 build. Ditched it.(along with hundreds of bike magsazines..but still have US)
Never really had alot of luck with matter how much I love them.
Spent a fortune..with little return.
Just out of interest..I started with a Diamondback Apex (smoke lilac) 88"